Client Successes: Galley Common and Warren Farm

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Mim Telfer
School Success Stories using The PE Hub
8 February 2016

This content includes a video showcasing our Classic PE Hub platform, which is no longer available to new subscribers. For an overview of the latest platform available to new subscribers, please click here.

Schools across England and internationally are discovering the advantages of our PE lesson plan subscription packages. This week, we want to share with you what Galley Common and Warren Farm schools have gained since subscribing to The PE Hub.  Both schools see ensuring progress in PE as a reason for choosing The PE Hub for their teachers and pupils.

Galley Common Infants and Warren Farm Primary School were early adopters of The PE Hub and their feedback was crucial in helping us shape and develop our service to schools.

Subject Knowledge

Both schools highlighted that subject knowledge was an area staff needed to develop, and our plans helped with this: “I’ve got to deliver hockey…I’ve never played before….it gives instructions on how to teach different aspects of the lesson, which I’ve found personally very useful.” Mr Bowen, Warren Farm.

Progress in PE

Ensuring children's progress was one of the main reasons Galley Common purchased The PE Hub. “It shows you all the skills children need to learn…it helps me focus on the children and helps them move on much quicker, “said Miss De-Vogel.

Watch our video to see what Warren Farm and Galley Common have to say about the benefits of the PE Hub. Some of the advantages to your school in subscribing for this 12 month service include:

  1. Ease of use; a one-stop shop for all PE plans and schemes of work – Complete EYFS, KS1 and KS2 resources with national curriculum standards built-in
  2. Helps teachers deliver all areas of PE regardless of their knowledge base – ensuring pupils receive a broad and balanced PE curriculum
  3. Exceptional value for money – schools can support teachers with planning by spending less than 4% of the average primary school sports funding annual budget (based on the average English primary school purchasing the ‘Primary’ subscription package)


The benefits of the PE Hub’s service impact the whole school, from expanding teacher skills to improving the range of activities on offer to the value for money. Ensuring progress in PE is a key reason to choose The PE Hub for your school; our plans ensure all children are developing.

Do you already use the PE Hub?  We would love to hear or write about your experiences in one of our blog posts.  Please get in touch with us via

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