What's in your PE cupboard?
There is nothing I love more than a well-organised, well-stocked PE cupboard! Over the years, I’ve taught a lot of PE in many different schools, and you can tell a lot about an establishment by its PE equipment!
One of the things I am asked most is what a school, teacher, or staff member needs to do to deliver outstanding PE. Equipping your pupils for the sports and activities they participate in is a great start. Enough essentials, such as cones, bibs and balls, can make the difference between a good lesson and one that requires improvement.
Focus is now on sport-specific activities in Key Stage 2, so ensuring your pupils are properly equipped is vital. High quality and outstanding PE can very rarely be seen when there’s one tennis racket between five children.
Using your PE and Sports Premium funding
Primary PE and Sport Premium will be doubled to £320m in 2017. New equipment is a wonderful way to help inspire your pupils to try different activities. Better equipment allows children to spend longer on activity, therefore, increasing their skill and fitness levels. A well-resourced PE cupboard allows you to deliver a varied and interesting curriculum and preparing pupils for competition is made all that easier when children are familiar with the equipment.
To get you started we have a FREE offer of £75 worth of Lusum rugby balls for your school - courtesy of Big Game Hunters. To take advantage of this limited offer simply register for an account here, no is purchase necessary and the team at Big Game Hunters Sports Ball Shop will send your FREE set of Lusum rugby balls.
Lusum Sports has used its resources to put the most research and the best quality materials into making the ball. Using a distinctive pink colour – it can be seen in your peripheral vision better than a standard ball. The balls are aerodynamically tested and the flight of the elite ball has been perfected so the kicking performance is the best it can be. What are you waiting for? Order your free set now!