On the 9th April I logged into my first of a series of AfPE free webinars, led by Steve Caldecott on ‘The Educations Inspection Framework methodology and the opportunities it presents for provide a high quality PESSPA offer.’
The webinar provided an insight into the new framework, with Steve’s enthusiasm coming through in the session, with thought provoking and positive messages. The need for difference between PE, school sport, and physical activity – illustrated in the AfPE image below.

Inspections will be focused around 4 judgements:
- Quality of education (most weighting in an inspection),
- behaviours and attitudes,
- personal development, and
- leadership
Intent, Implementation and impact fall under the quality of education judgement and this is where an inclusive curriculum is important.
What have I taken away from the webinar? Well, key to an inspection will be relevance to the individual school – no matter the assessment, vocabulary statements, or progression documents anything you create must be specific to your pupils needs. It is essential you do not simply create a document for Ofsted, but rather develop an appropriate and meaningful curriculum for your pupils; when Ofsted come in you can then explain your intent, implementation and impact. There is not a one size fits all.
A few takeaways include:
- Every subject is important.
- Schools should not be stopping PE for SATS or Christmas productions.
- Intent: What are we trying to achieve? Should be an ambitious curriculum, a sequenced curriculum (what’s different in year 2 and year 6), focused on the national curriculum.
- Implementation: How are we monitoring? Do staff have subject knowledge, the lesson plan is not as important as the outcome, use assessment well 2/3 times a year. If more you need to justify why.
- Impact: What is the end result? Are pupils next stage ready? Work across the curriculum is of good quality, achieving well.
- Ofsted folder should only include the things that you need and help you achieve high quality PE.
You can catch a webinar from afPE too, with future sessions available via their website. Remember, do what is best for your pupils and your school.
Hope everyone is staying safe and if you have not already seen we have a new parents website with lots of #pehubathome games that you can share with your parents.