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Primary PE lesson plans
- Reception cooperate and solve problems, Unit 1 Lesson 2
- Year 3 Outdoor Education Lesson 5
- Year 1 Gym, Unit 1 Lesson 3
- Year 5 cricket Lesson 2
Today we are sharing our sample primary PE lesson plans in a new way; to celebrate the start of Wimbledon this week we are sharing 5 tennis lesson plans across the range of year groups.
Year 2 – Send and Return
We teach children fundamental skills for specific sports during "send and return," which are Net/Wall games. At Key Stage 1, we focus on skills such as tracking a ball in flight, sending an object over a net, and using hands and racquets to control objects in flight. Lesson 5 from Unit 1 introduces the proper way to grip a tennis racquet and fun games to develop racquet control.
Year 3 Tennis Lesson Plan
We’ve made lesson 4 available which covers approaching a ball on the forehand to return. This can be done using a racquet or simply the hand if the pupil is still developing their hand-eye coordination.
Year 4 Tennis Lesson Plan
We've shared Year 4 lesson 5 in which pupils get to work together to attempt to play as a pair. Pupils are encouraged to use communication skills to work together and to try and improve their play.
Year 5 Tennis Lesson Plan
As our tennis units progress they become more sophisticated looking at the skills needed to perform specific shots. In Year 5 lesson 2 pupils practise the steps required to complete a volley shot and then work with a partner to apply this skill in a simple activity.
Year 6 Tennis Lesson Plan
By now children should have received a good grounding in the basics of tennis and be looking to use their knowledge to apply more complex tactics in game situations. Lesson 1 is an Assessment for Learning lesson where pupils are encouraged not only to score points but to work with a partner to defend.
To find out more about Wimbledon visit their website which has all the information on fixtures, players and the all-important weather!!!
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