The Euros are coming!

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Mim Telfer
The PE Hub Euros 2016
9 June 2016

With one day left until the opening ceremony of UEFA Euro 2016, we think schools should embrace the beautiful game.  Sammy and I were discussing our memories of watching international sporting events at school and what a great experience it was for us.  Football is one of the UK's most popular sports; millions will be glued to the TV over the next few weeks.

Watching football in schools

Some schools we work with will be showing next week’s England v Wales game during school time.  With all the home nations but Scotland competing this summer, it’s set to be an exciting few weeks.  You can follow all the group stage games through the BBC European Championships page which has the schedule for all the group stage games.

With pressure on schools to hit the cornerstone subject targets of literacy and numeracy, why would we watch our nation’s favourite sport during school time?

Create memories

Celebrating or commiserating with your friends and teachers!  It is a great way for pupils to see another side of their peers and staff.


Not all children can see live sports at home, so this is a wonderful way to extend sports for all pupils. Furthermore, watching in a large group will enhance the experience.


Discussing how the home nations make up Great Britain and Ireland through football is a wonderful way to start a wider dialogue.   It is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity to discuss why old rivalries exist and some of the historical features of our country’s past.

Furthermore, the staff cannot wait to have a little punt on who will win!  For many schools, it’s traditional to run a sweepstake.  So act quickly there’s only one day left to pick the winning team!  I got Belgium in our office sweepstake, which I’m reliably informed are ‘quite decent’!

We’d love to hear how your school has celebrated this sporting event; you can email us or share via our twitter @thepehub

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