Obesity in children rising globally

Three children exrercising during a PE class

It’s widely acknowledged that childhood obesity is on the rise, not only nationally, but globally. Futhermore, experts identify that obese children are more likely to become obese adults.  And so it seems like this increases the risk of health problems throughout adult life. The World Health Organisation (WHO) predict a generation at greater risk of diseases, such as diabetes.

How schools can help with childhood obesity

Schools are attempting to tackle this issue and the use of the pe and school sports premium funding.  The aim is to increase activity levels of children and ensure high quality PE and school sport is taught. No matter the efforts made by schools, there is a wider issue of high calorie inexpensive food because that has a detrimental impact on health and well being.

Unhealthy foods

Cheap, fatty, and sugary foods are the main driver of the growing obesity problem. We previously blogged about the ‘sugar tax’, a levy enforced on sugary drinks, but we consider this to be only the first step needed by government. Consequently, joined up thinking and collaboration can help to meet WHO’s calls for more to be done. An example includes the crack down on advertisement and marketing of unhealthy foods to our young people.

Ending Obesity

The WHO is publishing a plan to end childhood obesity. It aims to provide clear guidance on how to curb rising obesity levels (more information can be found here). We consider a key step alongside healthier eating is pursuing an active lifestyle.  School sport is, therefore, even more important than ever before.

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