We are definitely excited, but it’s important not to let that get in the way of safety. Here are some top tips for keeping everyone participating safe and happy!
1) Make sure bicycles are fit and that all your bikes are roadworthy.
This is essential for safety. Give them a good check over, especially if they aren’t used frequently, also make sure that children know how to use the brakes and gears properly, and the seat is the correct height.
2) Use all the right safety equipment.
Helmets are essential cycling equipment and should be used on every journey, no matter how short. Bike lights and visible clothing should also be used in darker conditions.
3) Plan routes beforehand
Try to take the safest routes to school, preferably with cycle-friendly infrastructure. Try to avoid busier routes with faster speed limits and multiple lanes of traffic where possible.
4) Let children lead the way.
Adults on the road with children should take up a position behind them so they can keep them in their line of vision at all times. This is especially important if children are young or inexperienced cyclists.
5) With two adults present, have one at the back and one out in front.
If there are two adults in your group, it's a good idea to adopt this formation. This way, you can keep an eye on everyone and make sure that no one gets lost.
6) Be sure to follow the Highway Code
Always run through the essentials beforehand and teach it to children along the way. Make sure they know to keep left and stop at junctions.
7) Get children to signal clearly with adults.
This is another important safety tip for kids to remember, as it will help to avoid accidents and make sure that other road users know what you're doing.