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We’ve made a selection of our lesson plans available for you to try.
Year Group Filters
Year 5 Athletics
Sustain pace over short and longer distances. Run as part of a relay team. Perform a range of jumps and throws.
Year 3 Athletics
Control movement in response to instructions. Demonstrate agility and speed. Jump for height and distance. Throw with speed and power and apply appropriate force.
Year 4 Athletics
Investigate ways of performing running, jumping and throwing activities. Use a variety of equipment to measure, time and compare.
Year 6 Athletics
Apply strength and flexibility to throwing, running and jumping. Accurately and confidently judge across a variety of activities. Work in collaboration to demonstrate improvement.
Attack Defend Shoot
Year 1 Attack Defend Shoot Unit 2
To recognise rules and apply them. Use and apply simple strategies for invasion games. Preparing for and explaining the reasons why we enjoy exercise.
Year 1 Attack Defend Shoot Unit 1
Practice basic movements, including running, jumping, etc. and begin to engage in competitive activities. Experience opportunities to improve ABCs.
Year 2 Attack Defend Shoot Unit 1
Send a ball using feet and can receive a ball using feet. Refine ways to control bodies and a range of equipment – recall and link combinations of skills.
Year 2 Attack Defend Shoot Unit 2
Select and apply a small range of simple tactics. Recognise good qualities in self and others. Work with others to build basic attacking play.
Year 3 Basketball
Perform some basic basketball skills, throwing, catching and dribbling. Build attacking/offensive play. Implement some basic rules of basketball.
Year 4 Basketball
Increase confidence and selection of basic skills such as dribbling, throwing and shooting. Use footwork rules in a game situation.
Year 5 Basketball
Use strength, agility and coordination when defending. Increase power and strength of passes, moving the ball accurately in a variety of situations.
Year 6 Basketball
Apply aspects of fitness to the game, such as power and strength. Choose and implement a range of strategies to play defensively and offensively. Grasp more technical aspects of the game.
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Megan Lewis
“Our school have just recently signed up to PE Hub with the aim of showing clear progress throughout the school. The PE Hub lesson plans are fantastic- really easy to follow and save us so much time. We have even introduced some new sports to our long term plan as a result!”
Body Management
Reception Body Management Unit 2
Explore a variety of rolling, sliding etc. Jump using a variety of take-offs/landings; use hands and feet in different combinations.
Reception Body Management Unit 1
Explore balance and managing own body. Able to stretch, reach, and extend in a variety of ways and positions.
Cooperate & Solve Problems
Reception Cooperate and Solve Problems Unit 1
Organise and match items, images, colours and symbols. Work with a partner to listen and share ideas & questions.
Reception Cooperate and Solve Problems Unit 2
Copy and repeat various patterns and actions. Continue to work in teams. Solve more complex tasks.
Year 2 Dance Unit 2
Perform using more sophisticated formations as well as an individual. Use the stimuli to copy, repeat and create dance actions and motifs.
Reception Dance Unit 1 NEW
Use their body to recreate and symbolise people and actions. Themes of ‘transport’ and ‘people who help us’.
Reception Dance Unit 2
Count and move to beats of 8\. Work as an individual, partner and part of a group. Copy and repeat movement patterns.
Year 1 Dance Unit 1 OLD
Respond to a range of stimuli. Explore space, direction, levels and speeds and perform with different body parts.
Year 1 Dance Unit 1 UPDATED
Respond to a range of stimuli and types of music. Explore space, direction, elevation, mirroring and partner work. Explore a narrative through a short, structured dance.
Year 1 Dance Unit 2
Able to build simple movement patterns from given actions. Compose and link actions to make simple movement phrases.
Year 2 Dance Unit 1
Describe and explain how performers can transition from shapes and balances. Challenge themselves to move imaginatively, responding to music.
Year 3 Dance Unit 1
Practise and put together a performance. Perform using facial expressions. Perform with a prop.
Year 3 Dance Unit 2
Building stylistic qualities through repetition and applying movement to own bodies. Building basic creative choreography skills in travelling, dynamics and partner work.
Year 4 Dance Unit 1
Work to include freeze frames in routines. Practise and perform a variety of different formations in dance.
Year 4 Dance Unit 2
Concentrating on one simple theme throughout and linking all activities to communicate this to an audience.
Year 5 Dance Unit 1
Perform different styles of dance fluently and clearly. Refine and improve dances adapting them to include the use of space, rhythm and expression.
Year 5 Dance Unit 2
Using professional examples to inspire ideas for explosive action. Owning and exploring new movement possibilities.
Year 6 Dance Unit 1
Work collaboratively to include more complex compositional ideas. Talk about different styles of dance with understanding, using appropriate language & terminology.
Year 6 Dance Unit 2
Demonstrating narrative through contact and relationships. Showing tension through pattern and formation.
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Year 4 Gymnastics Unit 1
Become increasingly competent and confident to perform skills more consistently. Perform in time with a partner and group. Use compositional ideas in sequences.
Reception Gymnastics Unit 1
Develop confidence in fundamental movements. Experience jumping, sliding, rolling, moving over and under apparatus.
Reception Gymnastics Unit 2
Further develop confidence in fundamental movements. Learn and refine a variety of shapes, jumps, balances and rolls.
Year 1 Gymnastics Unit 1
Use simple gymnastics actions and shapes. Apply basic strength to gymnastic actions. Begin to carry apparatus.
Year 1 Gymnastics Unit 2
To show a range of recognised point balances. To introduce turn, twist, rock, and roll and to link these. To perform unison simple canon and unison techniques.
Year 2 Gymnastics Unit 1
Describe and explain how performers can transition and link elements. Perform basic actions with control at different speeds and levels.
Year 2 Gymnastics Unit 2
Develop body management through a range of floor exercises. Use core strength to link recognised gymnastics elements.
Year 3 Gymnastics Unit 1
Modify actions independently using different pathways, directions and shapes. Consolidate and improve movements and gymnastics actions. Relate strength and flexibility to actions. To use basic compositional ideas.
Year 3 Gymnastics Unit 2
Identify similarities and differences in sequences. Develop body management over a range of floor exercises. Attempt to bring explosive moves into floor work. Show increasing flexibility in shapes and balances.
Year 4 Gymnastics Unit 2
Develop an increased range of body actions and shapes to include in a sequence. Define muscle groups needed to support the core of the body.
Year 5 Gymnastics Unit 1
Create longer and more complex sequences and adapt performances. Take the lead in a group. Develop symmetry.
Year 5 Gymnastics Unit 2
Take responsibility for your own warm-up. Perform more complex actions, shapes and balances with consistency.
Year 6 Gymnastics Unit 1
Experience flight on and off high apparatus. Develop and perform a range of partner balances. Use equipment and formations confidently in a rhythmic gymnastics style sequence.
Year 6 Gymnastics Unit 2
Perform increasingly complex sequences. Combine own ideas with others to build sequences. Compose and practise actions and relate to music. Show a desire to improve competency across a broad range of gymnastics actions.