The BBC launch Super Movers

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Mim Telfer
BBC launches Super Movers
6 February 2018

In January, the BBC launched their latest offering to schools.  With the help of teachers, BBC Super movers is designed to get school children more active.  Super movers has teamed up with the Premier League to inspire children across the country. 

The BBC are undertaking this project as part of their Royal Charter.

To support learning for people of all ages: accessible, engaging, inspiring and challenging.

The BBC should provide specialist educational content to help support learning for children and teenagers across the United Kingdom.

It should encourage people to explore new subjects through partnerships with educational, sporting and cultural institutions… BBC Royal Charter 2017

Activity levels falling - Can BBC super movers help?

The Government recommends that children should get 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity each day.  However, activity rates in children have fallen dramatically in the last 40 years.  Research suggests that activity is set to reduce further still.  A frightening 15% more by 2030.

Development of Super movers

The BBC hope to play their part in reversing the rise of inactivity. Physical activity helps shape young minds as well as develop self-confidence and self-esteem.  The Super movers videos enable teachers to bring activities to their classrooms and, at the same time, cover key numeracy and literacy topics.

Characters such as 'Moon Bean' will teach children their times table through catchy songs. The videos also contain simple dance steps and are fun to use in the classroom, but are also suitable for teachers to set as active homework!  Topics covered at key stage 1 include times tables, reading out loud and fractions.  For key stage 2, BBC Super Movers looks at algebra, money handling and word families.

The BBC will also be rolling out an ‘at home’ series for families to get involved.  It is rumoured to include some of our favourite strictly come dancing stars!  Watch this space.

Have you started using BBC Super Movers yet?  If so, how are you getting on?  Does it work for your school or family?

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