Evidencing impact of the Primary PE and Sport Premium

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Recording and reporting The PE and School Sport Premium
3 January 2025

Updated 2025

Do do you know how you should be evidencing the impact of Primary PE and Sports Premium? More money ‘great’ I hear you say!  But you can be sure that this comes with added responsibility.  Keeping up with the most recent changes and what you must do as a school is difficult.

Just last week, we had a call from a school worried about how they should be spending their money to get the best impact and fulfil their obligations to pupils.  A range of national partners are working together to support schools with all aspects of the PE and sport premium funding, such as sports coach UK's guidance on the employment and deployment of sports coaches.

Evidencing impact of the PE and School Sport Premium

The Association for Physical Education (AfPE) and The Youth Sport Trust were commissioned by the Department for Education to draw up a template which covers the 5 key indicators schools should use to demonstrate improvement.

This is a great tool as it lets you plan and evidence how you will spend the premium and acts as a review document to reflect on your current circumstances.

Download the website reporting tool here.

Download the exemplification support document here

New Digital Reporting Tool

The government recently announced that primary schools will need to use a new online reporting tool to evidence their PE Premium spending. This tool will be available from May or June 2025 and be open until the 31st July 2025. For more information on this new tool can be found here.

"All pupils leaving primary school physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport."

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