Foundations on The PE Hub

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Sammy Rayner
Foundations on The PE Hub
11 February 2021

A new activitiy area to The PE Hub
We have launched a brand new activity area to The PE Hub.  Foundations is designed to work on children’s mobility, stability and flexibility while incorporating other elements of fitness such as coordination and balance.

What is Foundations?
Foundations is different to our fitness units, focusing more on body management.  Foundations takes its inspiration from Pilates and some elements of yoga for kids, giving children the opportunity to develop an understanding of how their bodies move and feel in space.

How to teach Foundations
Each Foundations PE lesson is fully supported with a video which can be played to the class while the teacher leads from the front.  We have also ensured there are supporting activities that can be taught before and after the video session following our usual PE lesson plan format.

Foundations is split into 6 key areas, focusing on one area each lesson

  1. Upper body stability
  2. Lower body stability
  3. Core stability
  4. Coordination
  5. Flexibility
  6. Balance

Foundations is an ideal PE activity to teach to classes that may be mixed or smaller in number than usual.  Great for teaching in your bubble! The Foundations PE videos are fully narrated to help teachers guide pupils through the movements.  Each video also has pop-up teaching points to reinforce important learning. You don’t need any previous yoga or Pilates experience to teach foundations!

Where to find Foundations
If you are a PE Hub member you can find foundations on the drop-down mega menu.  We have a section called ‘Mixed Key Stages’.  Follow the tab to select the unit you wish to teach.  The unit overview page will show you everything you need to know to prepare to teach Foundations.  On the unit overview page you can also see all the resources and videos linked to the scheme of work.  These videos and resources are also linked directly within the lessons themselves.

We hope you enjoy teaching this new activity.  If you’re not yet a subscriber to The PE Hub, why not come and join us?  Check out our range of PE lesson plans to help you deliver high-quality PE!

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