Girls Active 2023

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Sammy Rayner
Girls Active 2023
1 November 2023

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Girls Active 2023

At The PE Hub it is our core belief that physical education plays a critical role in developing well-rounded, healthy children and young people. 

However, it is unfortunately the case that many children don’t get the opportunities to develop a lifelong enjoyment for games, athleticism, and physical activity, and in particular girls, as has been highlighted in a new study by the Youth Sports Trust. Improving levels of enjoyment and participation is a cause that’s especially close to our hearts.

Over 33% of female pupils surveyed in England said that they do not like taking part in sport, compared to just 15% in male pupils, with some of the key reasons stated being a lack of confidence, perceived lack of ability and worries about trying new activities. Together, we have the power to make a difference, not only in PE, but throughout children’s lives as we help them grow as people. 

At The PE Hub, everything we do is to empower teachers and inspire confidence, with the clear aim of helping you to do the same for your classes, thinking particularly closely about those who need it most. 

We will be doing a series of posts around #GirlsActive, providing plenty of insights and helpful content, so keep a lookout and let’s be game changers. You can also see the full report at

Thank you for reading and your support as a community! #MovingPEforward

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