Halloween PE Games - 6 Spooktacular Activity Ideas for Fun!

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Sammy Rayner
Halloween Children
14 October 2024

Halloween PE Games

We have six exciting Halloween games to share  - we hope you enjoy using them!

  1. Football Tricks or Treat - see our fun video below!
  2. Pumpkin Push - PE starter activity.
  3. Scorpions and Spiders.
  4. Halloween Actions - No tricks, just treats!
  5. Ghost Tag.
  6. Cauldron Counting - Print off the PDF and count how many ingredients you can find in the Witch's cauldron.

1. Tricks or Treat

2. Pumpkin Push

How to play

  1. Each pupil in the class requires a pumpkin, this could be any type of ball such as netball or football.
  2. The players must roll the pumpkin around the playing area and try to avoid being tagged by the 2 Wizards.
  3. Two pupils are the tagging Wizards.
  4. If a player is tagged they turn into a Witch at which point they pick up their ball hold it to their chest and 'fly' around the playing area twice.  Once they have done this they can rejoin the game.
  5. Change Wizards regularly.


  • Pumpkin rollers must switch pumpkins with another player while still trying to avoid being tagged.
  • Bounce the pumpkins instead of roll.
  • Add safety zones that players can stand in for 5 seconds before rejoining (one player per zone, e.g. a hoop or mat).

3. Scorpions and Spiders

Choose 3 or 4 pupils to be scorpions, and the rest of the class are spiders.  All children move around the playing area on all fours.  When a scorpion tags a spider, the spider must lie on their back with their arms and legs in the air.

A spider can release another spider by pushing their arm or leg to the ground.

Dead ant v2

When tagged, the spider should lie on their back with their arms in the air - just like this pose!


  • Spiders travel on all fours with their tummy facing the sky (more commonly known as crab walk).
  • Give scorpions a tail (pool noodle) which they can use to tag spiders.

4. Halloween Actions Poster

There are no tricks here at The PE Hub, only treats! Here are some Halloween-inspired activities for you and your classes - print out and share in your PE lessons!

Our Halloween actions poster - download a PDF version using the link on this page!

Our Halloween actions poster - download a free PDF version from this page!

5. Ghost Tag

This game is a Halloween twist on the classic tag game, where the "It" player is a "Ghost" chasing the other players (who are Ghost Hunters). Here's how to play:


  • Choose one or two players to be the "ghosts."
  • The rest of the players are "ghost hunters" who try to avoid being tagged.


  • The Ghost players chase the ghost hunters, trying to tag them.
  • When a Ghost Hunter is tagged, they must freeze in place and stand like a spooky scarecrow.
  • To free a frozen Ghost Hunter, another player (ghost hunter) must crawl under their legs.


  • Witch’s Potion Freeze: Include a safe zone(s) such as hoops or a marked-off area called the “cauldron”, where Ghost Hunters can enter to be safe for a few seconds before re-entering the game.
  • Multiple Ghosts: As the game progresses, more ghosts can be added to increase the challenge.
  • Use Halloween music to increase the spooky fun!

6. Witch's Cauldron

Select the picture below to download the Witch's Cauldron I Spy game; how many potion ingredients can you find?

Our Witches Cauldron Halloween Puzzle Sheet

Click here to download the Witches’ Cauldron Halloween Puzzle Match worksheet!

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