Healthy Pupils Capital Programme

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Sammy Rayner
athletics track
3 March 2017

On 28 February, the DfE announced a new initiative called the Healthy Pupils Capital Programme. Money is to be handed to Local Authorities and larger Academy Trusts for one off capital build projects.  It will be the job of these bodies to distribute funding to support improving facilities in schools across England.

Funding for schools ‘doubled’

Many of us have been waiting on further details of how the ‘sugar tax’ or Soft Drinks Industry Levy will be distributed.  Over a year ago we were told by the government that this tax would double the amount of money schools currently receive for their PE and sport premium.  Currently, 100% of the premium goes direct to schools to use for staff CPD and to increase out of school hours clubs.

I’ve talked to several PE professionals over the past few days and there is confusion about how this ‘new’ funding will be shared.  The DfE’s announcement doesn’t clearly lay out what schools will receive going forward, and refers to ‘more details published this year’.

Handing control back to head teachers

Head teachers know what is best for their school, so handing back control on use of funds in recent years has been a positive.  Individual academies and smaller trusts can bid for funding. I can’t help but think giving huge sums of money to local authorities and even academy trusts is a step backwards.

Healthy Pupils capital - Funding guarantee

Education Secretary, Justin Greening says the £415 million set aside to secure children’s health is guaranteed, even if the sugar levy fails to generate the income predicted.  It is hoped this money can help extend the school day to increase pupils’ opportunities to participate in activity.  It also aims to support mental health needs of children as well as the physical.

If you would like to read more on this subject head over to the DfE’s page.

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