Following on from our last activity blog about the importance of engaging girls in PE, we are going to share a couple of new PE activities to try that might help you get girls more involved.
Alternative PE activities
One of the points we raised was how introducing a variety of sports/exercises to children at a younger age is vital in helping them find an activity they love. The This Girl Can website has a vast variety of sports and exercises that could be introduced to all children that include lots of sports not often played in primary schools.
Stoolball is an inclusive striking and fielding game similar to twenty20 cricket also it can be played by anyone. Stoolball England has a schools starter guide which introduces teachers to a set of simple rules to start playing stoolball in their school.
Ultimate frisbee
Ultimate Frisbee is another growing sport that can be very engaging for children and adults alike. It has many qualities similar to other games; for example, when you have the disc, you cannot move, like in netball, and you score by catching the disc in an end zone, like in benchball. I like how children can transfer some some of their existing skills and knowledge and learn new skills in an exciting sport.
Ultimate Frisbee has also partnered with Matalan Sporting Promise to try to engage children in sports like Ultimate Frisbee and lessen the drop-off of children becoming disengaged with mainstream sports.
If you have any suggestions for sports you would like to see on The PE Hub, we would love to hear from you.
We hope you find these links informative! If you sign up for a newsletter, we will let you know when Stoolball and Ultimate Frisbee lessons become available.