Three reasons why you should include PE in your School Development Plan

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Mim Telfer
Bridge in gymnastics
3 February 2016

Since 1998, schools have been required to produce School Development Plans (SDPs) for each academic year. SDPs help administrators and staff focus on the aspects of their school which need the most improvement.  They give everyone in the school community the opportunity to:

  • Share in the school’s vision of education
  • Understand the school’s goals
  • Understand the steps head teachers plan to take to reach those goals

An SPD sets timescales for implementation and determines how to effectively use both human and material resources. Furthermore, how these resources should be used to support specific goals. A useful SPD also helps schools plan and prioritise budget and organise professional development.

Why include PE in your SPD?

PE is often left out of SDPs; this might be due to the perception that PE is incidental to the academic mission of the school—if we can fit it in alongside literacy and numeracy, that’s nice!

However, research shows that there’s a direct relationship between levels of engagement with PE and sport and levels of academic achievement. One of the most significant of these is a 2013 study by The University of Strathclyde that was published in The British Journal of Sports Medicine that found a long-term positive effect on academic achievement associated with physical activity.

Reasons to include PE in your SDP

  1. Emphasises importance to teachers: If teachers don’t know how important PE is, they are more likely to push it aside for other priorities. Including PE as part of your SDP shares the vision for PE’s development across the school, so all teachers understand its importance and are more likely to do it well. For instance, they’ll ensure they actually teach PE in their PE slot and request support where necessary.
  2. Increases accountability for SPF usage: Putting PE in your SDP ensures constant evaluation and improvement on how sports premium funding is used. This is especially true when it comes to money spent on upskilling staff.
  3. Supports goals of the whole school: Schools that invest in PE and sport invest in their whole school - for example, they see improved attendance due to before - and after-school clubs. By properly implementing their sports premium for staff training and curriculum development, they also raise the standard of teaching across the entire school.

How to encourage the inclusion of PE in your plan

The first step is to involve your PE coordinator and any sports partnership leaders your school is involved with. They will help you identify opportunities to improve not just in the school hall or on your fields but outside your school gates. Including PE in your SDP directly impacts pupil engagement and achievement. Make it a priority for your next SDP.

We Can Help

Setting PE as a priority in your School Development Plan doesn’t have to be daunting: choose lesson planning resources and CPD that support your staff from the very start.

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