Challenges in Making PE a Core Subject

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Mim Telfer
The problems with the push to make PE a core subject
14 February 2022

PE as a core subject

The recent Lords reports calling for PE to become a core subject, giving it the same weight as English, maths, and science, is something we would support, but what are the challenges?  TES's article explores the issues around introducing more PE into primary schools and raises some pertinent points.

It is essential that teachers, pupils and parents understand the difference between PE, school sport and physical activity; these should not be thought of as one and the same. Each is important and brings unique benefits of their own to children.  A deeper knowledge of PE's role in developing the 'whole child' is needed in schools for it to be embraced as a core subject.

It will be interesting to see what action is taken, if any, off the back of the report.  Read the full article here.

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