Benchball Rules

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The goal is for players to pass the ball to teammates and score by getting the ball to the person standing on a bench (the "goalkeeper") at the opposing end of the court. Players win by either getting all team members onto the bench or scoring the most points within a set time.

Starting the Game

Teams start on opposite ends of the playing area. One player from each team begins standing on a bench at the opposing team’s end.

Ball Movement

  • Players pass the ball to each other while trying to get it to their teammate standing on the bench.
  • Players are not allowed to run with the ball (no dribbling). They must pass or throw the ball to another player.


  • A team scores when a player successfully passes the ball to the teammate on the bench.
  • After a successful pass, the player who made the pass joins the teammate on the bench.
  • The game continues until all members of a team are on the bench, or until the time runs out, in which case the team with the most players on the bench wins.


  • No physical contact or tackling allowed.
  • Players must stay within the designated playing area.
  • Players on the bench cannot leave or step down.


Add a Defender

To make the game more challenging, allow a defender from the opposing team to guard the bench. The defender tries to block passes to the person on the bench, creating more defensive play.

Multiple Balls

Play with two or more balls at the same time to encourage faster play and more decision-making. This variation forces players to focus on both attacking and defending simultaneously.

Rotation Rule

Instead of keeping the same player on the bench, rotate players every few minutes. For example, after every score or every two minutes, the player on the bench returns to the court, and a new player takes their place.

Timed Rounds with Points

Instead of getting all players on the bench, play for a set amount of time (e.g., 5 minutes) and award points for each successful pass to the bench player. The team with the most points at the end wins.

Underarm throwing technique

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