Handball Rules

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  1. Handball is played between two teams, each consisting of six court players and one goalkeeper.
  2. The objective of the game is to throw the ball into the opposition goal which is roughly 1.5 metres x 2 metres (min) for juniors.
  3. A game is played over two halves with a time set by the coach/teacher/ competition guidelines but can be split in any way to suit the group.
  4. When defending, a team will stand just in front of their 6 metre line to form a wall. The attacking team will pass the ball to each other to create a hole/gap in the defensive wall and allow a throw at the goal.
  5. When defending, players can use their hands or arms to block or gain possession of the ball but cannot pull or hit the ball out of an opponent’s hand.
  6. A defender can also use their body to obstruct an opponent even if they are not in possession of the ball, but cannot hold, push, run or jump into an opposition player.
  7. Mini Handball is non-contact, players who commit dangerous play or repeat infringements may be suspended for 2 minutes.

3 is the magic number

  1. Players can hold the ball for 3 seconds, then either pass, take 3 steps or dribble the ball unlimited.
  2. A player can then take another 3 steps before either passing the ball or throwing at the goal.
  3. Defensive players must be 3 metres away from their opponent when awarded a free throw or taking a sideline throw.
Handball rules

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