Attacking team – The team with possession of the ball in a game.
Backline - 2 lines at either end of the court with the net on. They make up two of the four boundaries of the court, and a throw-in is taken behind the line where the ball went out of bounds off the backline.
Centre – One of the positions in Netball. They can go in all the thirds but not either shooting circles. Their main job is to travel up and down the court to link defence and attack. They also take the centre pass for their team.
Centre pass - How a game is (re)started in netball. It involves the ball being passed from the centre circle by the centre. It happens at the start of every quarter and after every goal. The team taking the centre pass alternates each time, regardless of who scores.
Contact – An action that results in a player touching or bumping into an opponent. This results in a penalty pass being awarded.
Counterattack – When the defending team wins possession and launches an attack quickly before the other team can get back to defend.
Defending team – The team that does not have possession of the ball.
Double bounce – If a player needs to bounce the ball more than once to gain control when receiving a pass or trying to regain the ball, a penalty pass is given to the other team.
Footwork – How a player lands, steps and pivots after receiving a ball. In netball, players cannot dribble around the court when in possession but can pivot on one foot.
Goal attack – One of the positions in Netball. They can go in the shooting circle, their own shooting third, and the centre third, but NOT the opposition shooting third. Their main job is to work with the goal shooter to receive the ball in the shooting circle and score goals.
Goal defence – One of the positions in Netball. They are allowed to go in the opponents shooting circle and shooting third as well as the centre third, but not their own attacking third. Their main job is to work with the goalkeeper to stop the opposition from scoring.
Goalkeeper – One of the positions in Netball. They are allowed to go in the opponents shooting circle and attacking third and the centre third, but not the opposition's attacking third. Their main job is to work with the goal defence to stop the opposition from scoring.
Goal shooter - One of the positions in Netball. They can go in the shooting circle, their own attacking third, and the centre third, not the opposition shooting third. Their main job is to work with the goal attack to score goals.
Landing foot – The first foot that is grounded after catching a ball. This foot becomes the foot that stays on the ground while pivoting.
Marking – A defensive tactic where the players on the defending team stay close to an opponent to try and prevent them from catching the ball or shooting.
Obstruction – No defender can be within 1 metre of a player in possession. Obstruction leads to a penalty pass being given.
Off Side – When players step into an area of the court they are not allowed in. This results in a penalty pass being awarded to the other team e.g. Centre stepping into the shooting circle.
Out of bounds/court – Occurs when the ball goes off the court. This can either be by the ball hitting the ground outside the boundaries or the court or if a player holding the ball steps over the boundaries of the court. If this occurs, a throw-in is awarded to the other team.
Penalty pass/shot – A free pass or shot awarded against a player committing an infringement on the court. The offending player must stand next to the player taking the penalty pass/shot and cannot interfere until the ball has been thrown.
Pivot – The movement allowed by a player in possession of the ball by swivelling on the landing foot.
Rebound - When the ball bounces back into the playing area off the net after an unsuccessful shot.
Shooting circle – Also known as ‘The D’ due to its shape, this is the area at either end of a netball court. A goal is only scored when the goal attack or goal shooter shoots from within the D.

A netball glossary can help teachers gain a solid foundation for the terminology and keywords they may encounter when teaching the unit.
Sidelines – Two lines on either side of the court that are parallel. They make up two of the four boundary lines of the court along with the backlines, and a throw-in is taken behind the line where the ball went out of bounds.
Thirds – A netball court is split into thirds. Different players are allowed in different thirds depending on which position they play.
Throw in – A free pass that is taken when the ball goes out of bounds. It is taken from the point where the ball left the court by the team that did not cause the ball to go out of bounds.
Toss up – A way of restarting a game in netball. A toss-up is used if both teams commit an offence, such as contact or offside, at the same time. It involves one player from each team standing opposite each other, facing the net they are shooting towards, about 1 metre apart. The umpire tosses the ball up around chest high for both players to compete to catch. The players whose hands are in contact with the ball with a clean catch retains possession of the ball.
Umpire – The official in charge of a game of netball. There are usually two umpires in a game of netball.