Pop Lacrosse Quick Rules

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The game starts with a pass from the centre, where every centre will alternate, no matter who scores.

2. Substitutions as needed from the halfway point, a stick must be exchanged between players.

3. No stick or body contact, no intentional playing the ball off the body.

4. No entry into the circle round the goal. 5. No trapping or guarding the ball (but momentary pull back is allowed).

6. Maximum of four-second possession of the ball by a player.

7. No defender can stand in front of the goal (in 5 metre arc) unless marking an attacker.

8. Fouls inside the 5 metre arc, restarts are taken from outside the arc to the side of the pitch and in line with the goal.

9. You can only score when the ball is inside the opponents’ half.

Pop Lacrosse rules

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