Our problem-solving booklet is an excellent resource for in-class activities or for sending home with children. We have highlighted a few activities below, but please download the resource to see everything, including pictures and cut-outs to use with each.
Scavenger Hunt
Print out or copy the scavenger card below. Set a time limit for the activity. The scavenger hunt can be done over two sessions. Give each child their own printout. Support younger children yourself or older siblings. Extension: Can they create their own smaller scavenger cards for other family members to complete?

River Rescue
Set up a ‘river’ by using two marked lines across the playing area (you could use dressing gown ropes or skipping ropes). Place items in the river that need to be rescued, for example, teddies or other soft toys. Children need to see how many things they can rescue from the river without touching any part of the river with their body. This includes their hands.
Extension 1: Can you use any objects around you to help you fish things out of the river, Suggested items to place around: cardboard tube (from kitchen roll), skipping ropes etc.
Extension 2: Make the river wider to make it a little harder for children to fish the items out
Extension 3: If you would like to incorporate numeracy into the activity you could give each item a value and they must see what the total value is that they can collect within a given time.
Collect me 1 to 10
Using inside and outside space if available, can you find the following items?
You must be able to carry all items safely around the house.
- 1 rough object
- 2 smooth objects
- 3 fluffy objects
- 4 things you can balance on your fingertip (must be different)
- 5 things that you can put other things inside
- 6 items you can wear
- 7 items containing paper
- 8 items of the same colour
- 9 things you can fit in your show (must be different)
- 10 things increasing in size