This swimming observation sheet is a handout used to help pupils to coach their partner to improve the weakest stroke. The objective is by the end of the session, pupils swim their weakest stroke more successfully and sustained over the 15m distance (or less but sustained), having worked together with their partner to analyse and suggest improvements.

Once the swimmers have identified their weakest stroke, they should work together to improve it using the teaching points on the observation sheet
✔︎ Look for good body position
- Breaststroke – On front, shoulders breaking water, bottom slightly below the water
- Front crawl – On front, shoulders breaking water, bottom slightly below the water
- Backstroke – On back, head in water, ears submerged, facing up, neck straight
✔︎ Look for correct leg and foot action
- Breaststroke – Bringing heels to bottom, whipping legs round, toes pointed, straight leg to glide
- Front crawl – Kicking form hips, flexible knees and ankles, feet just breaking the surface of the water
- Backstroke – Kicking form hips, flexible knees and ankles, feet just breaking the surface of the water
✔︎ Look for correct arm action
- Breaststroke – Are they using the 4 points straight, pull down, push up, glide
- Front crawl – Finger and thumb leading into the water, pull down, alternating arms
- Backstroke – Little fingers leading into the water, arms past ears, pull down, alternating arms