A group float is a water survival technique which involves a group of people huddling together while floating to conserve energy, retain body heat, and maintain morale. It is especially useful in emergency situations, such as being stranded in open water, and is a key skill for children to learn in their swimming lessons, it's fun too!

Why group floats are used in water safety and survival
- Group floats help conserve body heat by reducing the amount of skin exposed to cold water
- By supporting each other and minimising movement, participants can conserve energy and remain afloat for longer
- A group is easier to spot than individual swimmers, increasing the chances of being rescued quickly
- Being in a group reduces feelings of isolation and worry, providing emotional support for each other
- Weaker swimmers can stay in the centre of the group, where they are better supported by stronger swimmers, enhancing overall safety
- Using floatation aids can help the group, further reducing fatigue, practice with noodles, empty plastic bottles and other floatation devices