Swimming Tuck 'Mushroom' Float

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A mushroom float (or tuck float) is a swimming technique where the swimmer holds into a ball, hugging their knees to their chest while floating on the surface of the water. This position is often used in PE swimming lessons and water safety training.

When is a Mushroom Float Used?

  1. Resting - To conserve energy while staying afloat, especially in deep water.
  2. Water Safety - As part of survival skills if children find themselves in an emergency situation.
  3. Developing Buoyancy Awareness - Teaching pupils how their body naturally floats.
Swimming mushroom tuck float

In a tuck float stay rounded and compact to enhance buoyancy.

Mushroom Float Teaching Points

  • Pull knees to chest and wrap arms around legs.
  • Take a deep breath and tip forward until the face is in the water.
  • Keep head tucked in, chin to chest, to maintain balance.
  • Stay rounded and compact to enhance buoyancy.
  • Keep muscles relaxed, especially in the back and shoulders, to aid floatation.

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