Year 2 Dance Unit 2 L2 Clockface Steps

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This printable resource helps you deliver the specific dance steps for the Year 2 Clockface Dance.

Clock Face Section 1

  • Start the first section with two knee bounces;- Keep left foot in the centre at all times, step the right foot out to #12 and back to the centre (so #12 and back to the centre lasts two beats), repeat for #3 and back and #6 and on the clock face; this should add up to 8 beats in total repeat this several times so the pupils are secure.
  • Now repeat but this time the right foot stays in the centre, and the left foot steps out to #12, #9 and #6 - Start with two knee bounces so the whole section adds up to 8 beats - repeat this several times until the pupils are secure.
Clockface steps section 1 and 2

Clock Face Section 1 and 2

Clock Face Section 2

  • Keeping the left foot in the middle, step the right foot back to #6, and step back to centre —this should last 2 beats.
  • Now keeping the right foot in centre and sending left foot back to #6 and step back to centre—this should last 2 beats 3. Now continue to alternate from right to left foot hitting the #6 on the clock face and back to centre

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