Year 5 Cricket On Side/Off Side

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In cricket, the "on side" (also called the "leg side") and the "off side" refer to two halves of the field divided by an imaginary line through the stumps.

On and off side in cricket

  • The off side is the side of the field in front of the batter when they are facing the bowler this is the side they’re looking towards as they stand in their batting stance. This means the on and off side change depending on whether the batter is right or left handed.
  • The on side or leg side is the opposite side, the other half of the field.

Think of it as dividing the field into "where the batter faces" (off side) and "behind the batter" (on/leg side). These terms help describe where the ball is hit or where fielders are placed.

On and off side cricket

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