Reception Body Management Unit 2 Lesson 5
Lesson Summary
Learning Intentions
- Travel along a variety of equipment using different modes of locomotion
- Incorporate stretches, shapes and rolls
Success Criteria
- I can move in different ways
- I can roll, stretch and jump
- I can perform shapes and move over apparatus
We are learning...
to travel across apparatus.
Links To Early Leaning Goals
PD – Develop agility, balance, and coordination and begin to apply them in challenging situations.
PSED – Show resilience when trying new activities that are challenging.
CL – Explain which part of the lesson they found the most fun and most challenging.
M – Identify how many children should be in their group and order themselves.
- Hoops, cones
- Music
- Mats, box tops, benches
Key Questions
- What happens when you practise the same activity lots?
- Which station did you enjoy most and why?
- If you were to try this again next week, what would you try to do better?
- Which activities did you have to balance on?
Teaching Points
✔️ Assualt course guidance
- Demonstrate each movement before starting, use the resources to support.
- Practise the more technical moves before starting such as 2 footed jump (rebound jump) and tuck roll.
- Have some adaptations prepared, e.g., pupils who are not confident about traveling on a bench can bunny hop next to it, etc.
- Remind pupils it is the same activities in each course just laid out in a different order each time.
Lesson Content
Starter Activity - ‘Hills and ponds’
- Spread around enough button cones and hoops for every member of the class. (E.g. 15 cones and 15 hoops for a class of 30.)
- Children move around the hall, trying to avoid the cones and hoops by weaving in and out. Try to vary the way the children travel to get them warmed up. For example, use big steps or tiptoes.
- On the teacher’s command, by using a tambourine or stopping music that has been playing, children should move to the nearest ‘Hill’ (cone) or ‘Pond’ (hoop) and jump over the hill or jump in and out of the pond.
- All jumps should be two feet to two feet.
Activity 1
Assault course – The assault course is designed to test the children over a range of balance, coordination and agility activities. The course reinforces skills learned in a challenging situation. Each lane of the course should have the same activities but set up in a different order each time. The assault course is not primarily designed as a competitive activity, but some competition can be worked in once the children are comfortable and if deemed appropriate.
- For a class of 30 it would be suitable to have at least 5 courses set up—however, the more that can be set up the better.
- Once the first pupil in a group has passed a certain point on the course, the next pupil can go, so not too many children sitting and waiting.
See Example below
How to play:
- Line up a group behind each station.
- Children should complete the assault course one at a time and return to the back of their line.
- Once everyone has completed their station, rotate the groups to the next one.
- They should now be on a new station but with the activities in a different order.
Extension: Make the course competitive; the first team with all their players to complete it and sit down behind their cones are the winners.