Year 2 Dance Unit 2

Perform using more sophisticated formations as well as an individual. Use the stimuli to copy, repeat and create dance actions and motifs.

Knowledge Organiser

Prior Learning

Describe and explain how performers can transition from shapes and balances. Challenge themselves to move imaginatively, responding to music. Work as part of a group to create and perform.

Unit Focus

Perform using more sophisticated formations as well as an individual. Use the stimuli to copy, repeat and create dance actions and motifs.

We are learning...

  • to develop a dance that shows different emotions,
  • to dance with rhythm following a clockwork pattern.
  • to work on our own to create a short movement phrase.
  • to watch, copy and repeat actions to create a ‘motif’.
  • to perform our motif in different formations.
  • to use different movement pathways in our dance.

Key Questions

  • What does entering stage mean?
  • What does ‘freestyle’ mean in dance?
  • What is a way to improve your dance? E.g., variety of
  • movements, improving timing and rhythm etc.


Music player, music, cones, hoops, throw down spots, laptop with internet access, resource cards.


Dynamic, independent, pair, clock face, time, motif, freestyle, formation, on stage, off stage.


  • On and off stage, how to move into and out of performance space.
  • Freestyle dance refers to the act of spontaneously creating movements with your body, which means you’re not following choreography.

Assessment Overview

Head – Volunteer ideas as part of a group.

Hand – Perform with some expression.

Heart – Show engagement in tasks and perform with freedom.


An image of Y2 Dance L5 Formations

Lesson Overview

Year 2 Dance Unit 2 Lesson 2

Theme: Clockface

  • Follow a clock face to develop dance steps
  • Work with rhythm
  • Combine dance steps to create a movement pattern

We are learning: to dance with rhythm following a clockwork pattern Activity: Exploring the clock face

Year 2 Dance Unit 2 Lesson 1

Theme: Clockface

  • Pupils can perform short dances reflecting different emotions and moods
  • Able to say what actions define contrasting emotions
  • Able to identify in others & themselves dynamics within the dance

We are learning: to develop a dance that shows different emotions Activity: Assessment for learning task

Year 2 Dance Unit 2 Lesson 3

Theme: Clockface

  • Remember and recall dance steps
  • Work independently to peform a movement pattern
  • (Some) Create own dance steps to add to a movement pattern

We are learning: to work on our own to create and perform a short movement phrase

Activity: Individually perform clock face dance

Year 2 Dance Unit 2 Lesson 4

Theme: Funky freestyle

  • Perform ‘freestyle’ moves
  • Watch, copy and repeat learnt ‘moves’ to make a motif
  • Perform Motifs to music

We are learning: to watch, copy and repeat actions to create a ‘motif’ Activity: Learn six dance actions

Year 2 Dance Unit 2 Lesson 5

Theme: Funky freestyle

  • Remember and perform moves from lesson 4
  • Perform the steps (motif) in given formations
  • Work as a group to enter formations using ‘On and Off Stage.’

We are learning: to perform our motif in different formations Activity: Formations activities

Year 2 Dance Unit 2 Lesson 6

Theme: Funky freestyle

  • Explore movement pathways in given formations
  • Practise switching from a group formation to a whole class performance
  • Practise performing and improve timing as a class

We are learning: to use different movement pathways in our dance Activity: Performing as a class