Year 3 Rounders

To be able to play simple rounders games. Apply some rules to games and develop and use simple rounders skills.

Knowledge Organiser

Prior Learning

Experienced different games and activities where throwing and catching skills were used. Had the opportunity to hit and strike a ball with racquets and bats. Played in simple, striking and fielding games.

Unit Focus

To be able to play simple rounders games. Apply some rules to games and develop and use simple rounders skills.

We are learning...

  • to get into the best body position to field a ball.
  • to bowl with some consistency in a game.
  • to hit a moving ball with one hand.
  • to stop a moving ball with the long barrier technique.
  • to throw longer distances using the overarm technique.
  • to select and apply new skills in a competition.

Key Questions

  • Why do we need to return the ball to the bowler/bases as quickly as we can when fielding?
  • Why do we need to be directly behind the ball before getting into the long barrier position?
  • Why is the forward stepping action significant when bowling?


A range of balls, a range of bats and striking equipment, bases, button cones, batting cone, posts.


Batting, fielding, bowling, bases, long barrier, batter, bowler, fielder, innings, no ball, batting box, backstop, rounders, half rounders.


  • Batters will face a certain number of balls each or play within a time limit.
  • If a batter hits the ball, they must run around the bases (as many as they want).

Assessment Overview

Head – Explain the importance of being ready in the field.

Hand – Bowl an underarm ball.

Heart – Identify how to improve own and others work and be tactful.


An image of Y3 Rounders.1

Lesson Overview

Year 3 Rounders Lesson 1

  • Hit a stationary ball into space
  • Get into the best body position to field a ball
  • Retrieve and throw the ball as a fielder

We are learning: to get into the best body position to field a ball Activity: Assessment for Learning Task

Year 3 Rounders Lesson 2

  • To bowl an underarm ball at a target at an appropriate height
  • To bowl with some consistency in a game situation
  • To work collaboratively to send the ball back to the bowler

We are learning: to bowl with some consistency in a game Activity: Three-Way Rounders

Year 3 Rounders Lesson 3

  • Strike a bowled ball
  • To apply simple tactics to choose where to hit the ball
  • Count and remember runs scored

We are learning: to hit a moving ball with one hand Activity: Choosing where to hit the ball

Year 3 Rounders Lesson 4

  • Stop a moving ball with consistency
  • Collect and return a moving ball
  • Work as a team to stop and pass the ball in the field

We are learning: to stop a moving ball using the long barrier technique Activity: Grass Cutter

Year 3 Rounders Lesson 5

  • Throw over longer distances using overarm throw
  • Throw to appropriate bases based on the scenario of each conditioned game

We are learning: to throw longer distances using overarm technique Activity: One Base Rounders

Year 3 Rounders Lesson 6

  • Use accurate throws to return a ball to the bases/bowler
  • Strike a bowled ball to score runs for your team
  • Suggest ways to improve your own & others’ game

We are learning: to select and apply new skills in a competition Activity: Competition