Year 6 OAA

Use information given by others to complete tasks and work collaboratively. Undertake more complex tasks. Take responsibility for a role. Use knowledge of PE and physical activities to suggest design ideas & amendments to games.

Knowledge Organiser

Prior Learning

Explored ways of communicating in a range of challenging activities. Navigated and solved problems from memory. Developed and used trust to complete the task and performed under pressure.

Unit Focus

Use information given by others to complete tasks and work collaboratively. Undertake more complex tasks. Take responsibility for a role. Use knowledge of PE and physical activities to suggest design ideas & amendments to games.

We are learning...

  • to work with a partner to successfully orient and follow a map.
  • to identify objects for a scavenger hunt from a written description.
  • to safely perform a pyramid balance in a small group.
  • to work efficiently as part of a team to complete a range of tasks.
  • to create a fun and challenging game for others to complete.
  • to listen to others to refine and adapt ideas to complete a complex task.

Key Questions

  • Did their designs change or evolve?
  • What are the key uses for a reef knot?
  • What are the traits or characteristics of good leadership and teamwork?


Variety of ropes, hoops, bean bags, a variety of sports equipment, teaching resource cards, softballs, bibs/bands, compass, egg, cups, straws, paperclips, tape, and scissors.


Maps, diagrams, scale, symbols, orienteering, compass, challenges, design, instructions, extend, knot, orient.


  • A reef knot is a binding knot and is used to hold things together such as parcels, or for tying a triangular bandage. It is a knot used with a single piece of rope and is not used to tie two different ropes together.

Assessment Overview

Head – Use knowledge of games in PE to suggest adaptations and variations to activities.

Hand – Refine and adapt ideas in group tasks.

Heart – Takes responsibility for a role in a task.


An image of Y6 OAA L6c

Lesson Overview

Year 6 OAA Lesson 4

  • Work collaboratively to complete a range of paired and group activities
  • Follow instructions to tie a reef knot

We are learning: to work efficiently as part of a team to complete a range of tasks

Activity: Group and paired work, tying a reef knot

Year 6 OAA Lesson 1

  • Work as a pair to follow and orient a map
  • Select a correct travelling pace, e.g. running, jogging or brisk walking pace
  • Enjoy competing with each other

We are learning: to work with a partner to successfully orient and follow a map

Activity: 4-way dodgeball and assessment for learning task

Year 6 OAA Lesson 2

  • Run as fast as possible under control
  • Work as part of a pair to complete a scavenger hunt
  • Successfully answer questions while under pressure

We are learning: to work in partnership and use our knowledge to answer questions under pressure.

Activity: Circle relay and scavenger hunt

Year 6 OAA Lesson 3

  • Balance safely and with control
  • Perform a pyramid balance as part of a small group
  • Suggest adaptations and variations to the balances

We are learning: to safely perform a small group balance.

Activity: Group balancing

Year 6 OAA Lesson 5

  • Recognise key elements needed to make a game enjoyable
  • Using their knowledge of games to design a fun, competitive game
  • Work cooperatively to design, deliver and improve an activity

We are learning: to create a fun and challenging game for others to complete

Activity: 4-way dodgeball, design a group game.

Year 6 OAA Lesson 6

  • Problem solve as part of a team
  • Refine and adapt ideas
  • Follow task instructions

We are learning: to listen to others to refine and adapt ideas to complete a complex task

Activity: Rescue the team, Electric fence.