Year 6 OAA Lesson 4

Lesson Summary

Learning Intentions

  • Work collaboratively to complete a range of paired and group activities
  • Follow instructions to tie a reef knot

Success Criteria

  • I can work well in a pair or group
  • I can play by the rules and play fairly
  • I can tie a reef knot

We are learning...

to work efficiently as part of a team to complete a range of tasks.

Curriculum Links

NC Compare performance with previous performances and demonstrate improvement to achieve personal best.

L Work in pairs and small groups to solve problems.

N Count seconds accurately during starter activity.


  • Range of different balls
  • Ropes

Key Questions

  • What was your favourite activity today and why?
  • What are the key uses for a reef knot?
  • Can you think of any practical ways you could use a reef knot?

Reef Knot

An image accompanying this article.

Reef knot

The reef knot is a binding knot used to hold things together, such as parcels or a triangular bandage. It is designed to be used with a single piece of rope and should not be used to tie two different ropes together.

Teaching Points

Back to back

  • Partners stand back to back
  • Feet flat on the floor
  • Press backs against each other to create resistance

Easier Link arms to help stabilise themselves.

Lesson Content

Starter Activity

Reach it – Divide the class into groups of approximately 8. Each group needs at least 4/5 pieces of equipment that reduce in size, such as a range of balls, but anything will do that is accessible and safe.

How to play:

  • Taking the largest object first, the group must arrange themselves so they are all touching the object.
  • They CAN NOT touch each other or hold each other up
  • When they are all successfully touching the object, they can move onto the next object in size, working their way down to the smallest one.

Easier: 1) Have fewer pupils in each group. 2) Give a selection of larger pieces of equipment.

Harder: 1) Increase the number of players in a group. 2) Try adding another object so there are 2 items they must touch.

A guideline image demonstrating this lesson plan content

Activity 1

Back to back – Place pupils into pairs; the objective is for the pair to work collaboratively to sit down and then stand up from the floor.

How to play:

  • The pair start standing back to back, they must work collaboratively to sit down without using their hands to help.
  • The pupils should use their opposing forces pushing against one another to sit down
  • Once seated they must return to standing.

Extension: 1) Group 2 pairs together, so they are in a 4 and attempt to sit down and stand up. 2) See what the biggest group is that can successfully attempt this safely

A guideline image demonstrating this lesson plan content

Activity 2

Pair pupils up and give them a rope and a handout. You may wish to watch the video in the classroom beforehand.

How to play:

  • Each pupil should have a go at independently tying a knot using the handout to help them
  • Their partner can offer prompts and support if needed
  • Once they have successfully tied a knot using the instructions, can they attempt to tie the knot without help?

Extension: In their pairs each holding one end of the rope, can they tie a reef knot? They should use their cooperative and communication skills to complete the task! When successful try with a new partner.