Reception Cooperate & Solve Problems Unit 1 Lesson 2

Learning Intentions

  1. Follow instructions to perform individual coordination skills
  2. Cooperate with a partner to move across defined areas

Success Criteria

  1. I can concentrate and follow instructions to play the starter game
  2. I can work with my partner and cross the river

Links to Early Leaning Goals

Begin to cooperate with individuals and small groups [Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Physical Development]

Literacy and Numeracy Links

L Can explain basic ideas to others

N Can anticipate when their turn is by counting the people before them

Starter Activity

Coordination lines – Prepare the children in small groups of 4 or 5, sat behind a cone and spread across the width of the hall.

At the far side of each group, place a cone which children will use as a marker to work to.

Work pupils through the following variations; some will require slower, more thoughtful movement, while others may move as fast as possible.

Each variety will increase in complexity, and pupils may struggle with the concept of moving out and back and joining the back of a line. If so, feel free to work on a few ‘walkthroughs’ to ensure pupils know what they are doing.

  1. Walk out and round cone, and join the back of the line.
  2. Run out and round cone, join the back of the line.
  3. Sidestep, right leg leading, round cone, join back of the line – alternate to left leg.
  4. Walk out with ‘high knees’ round cone, join the back of the line.
  5. Walk out with ‘high knees’; each time the right leg is raised, tap the right knee with the right hand, round cone, join back of the line – Alternate to the left leg.
  6. Walk out with ‘high knees’, repeat as above but tap each knee alternating left then right – When confident, repeat at a slow jog.

Activity 1

Cross the river – See linked video

Part 1: Pair pupils up and give them two hoops each

Working across the width of the hall with a definite start and end point (river bank) pupils must cross the river using only the hoops to stand in. Demonstrate the process before beginning.

  1. Both pupils start on the bank holding their two hoops, they should place the first hoop into the water, and both stand in it
  2. They then put the second hoop in front of them, both move into it and then retrieve the hoop they have just stepped out of – repeat the process until they reach the far side
  3. Encourage pupils to place the hoops as close as they can so they are easy to retrieve, i.e. if pupils throw the hoop forward and jump into it they may not be able to reach back and collect the hoop they came from without standing in the ‘water’

Extension: Mix up partners so pupils must work collaboratively with new people.  Increase the distance by crossing the length of the hall/playing area instead of the width.

Part 2: Repeat the activity, but this time each pair has a bean bag

  1. Pupils must always throw the beanbag into the first hoop before they can move in
  2. Pupils must always collect the bean bag last before they can move on

Extension: Put 2 groups of pairs together so there are 4 pupils and 4 hoops. Remove a hoop to increase difficulty.

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We are learning...

to work as a team to complete a task.

Teaching Points

  1. Remind children to listen and follow instructions carefully
  2. When working on coordination and cooperation activities, sometimes you need to start slowly and then attempt to go a little quicker

Key Questions

  1. In the starter activity, which activity did you get most out of breath on?
  2. In the starter activity, which did you find hardest to get right?
  3. Why do we need to listen when working with others?
  4. Why is it important to follow instructions?

Reception Cooperate & Solve Problems Unit 1 Lesson 2

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Learning Intentions

  1. Follow instructions to perform individual coordination skills
  2. Cooperate with a partner to move across defined areas
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Success Criteria

  1. I can concentrate and follow instructions to play the starter game
  2. I can work with my partner and cross the river
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Links to Early Leaning Goals

Begin to cooperate with individuals and small groups [Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Physical Development]

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Literacy and Numeracy Links

L Can explain basic ideas to others

N Can anticipate when their turn is by counting the people before them

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Reception Cooperate & Solve Problems Unit 1 Lesson 2

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Starter Activity

Coordination lines – Prepare the children in small groups of 4 or 5, sat behind a cone and spread across the width of the hall.

At the far side of each group, place a cone which children will use as a marker to work to.

Work pupils through the following variations; some will require slower, more thoughtful movement, while others may move as fast as possible.

Each variety will increase in complexity, and pupils may struggle with the concept of moving out and back and joining the back of a line. If so, feel free to work on a few ‘walkthroughs’ to ensure pupils know what they are doing.

  1. Walk out and round cone, and join the back of the line.
  2. Run out and round cone, join the back of the line.
  3. Sidestep, right leg leading, round cone, join back of the line – alternate to left leg.
  4. Walk out with ‘high knees’ round cone, join the back of the line.
  5. Walk out with ‘high knees’; each time the right leg is raised, tap the right knee with the right hand, round cone, join back of the line – Alternate to the left leg.
  6. Walk out with ‘high knees’, repeat as above but tap each knee alternating left then right – When confident, repeat at a slow jog.
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Activity 1

Cross the river – See linked video

Part 1: Pair pupils up and give them two hoops each

Working across the width of the hall with a definite start and end point (river bank) pupils must cross the river using only the hoops to stand in. Demonstrate the process before beginning.

  1. Both pupils start on the bank holding their two hoops, they should place the first hoop into the water, and both stand in it
  2. They then put the second hoop in front of them, both move into it and then retrieve the hoop they have just stepped out of – repeat the process until they reach the far side
  3. Encourage pupils to place the hoops as close as they can so they are easy to retrieve, i.e. if pupils throw the hoop forward and jump into it they may not be able to reach back and collect the hoop they came from without standing in the ‘water’

Extension: Mix up partners so pupils must work collaboratively with new people.  Increase the distance by crossing the length of the hall/playing area instead of the width.

Part 2: Repeat the activity, but this time each pair has a bean bag

  1. Pupils must always throw the beanbag into the first hoop before they can move in
  2. Pupils must always collect the bean bag last before they can move on

Extension: Put 2 groups of pairs together so there are 4 pupils and 4 hoops. Remove a hoop to increase difficulty.

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We are learning...

to work as a team to complete a task.

Teaching Points

  1. Remind children to listen and follow instructions carefully
  2. When working on coordination and cooperation activities, sometimes you need to start slowly and then attempt to go a little quicker

Key Questions

  1. In the starter activity, which activity did you get most out of breath on?
  2. In the starter activity, which did you find hardest to get right?
  3. Why do we need to listen when working with others?
  4. Why is it important to follow instructions?