Reception Cooperate & Solve Problems Unit 1 Lesson 5

Learning Intentions

  1. Individually create a shape story using mime
  2. Recognise and retrieve coloured items assigned to their group
  3. Work cooperatively to construct shapes and patterns on the floor

Success Criteria

  1. I can use my imagination
  2. I can work with my team to collect items and follow instructions
  3. I can help to make shapes on the floor using our cones and beanbags

Links to Early Leaning Goals

Work cooperatively with other members of a team [Personal, Social and Emotional Development]

Literacy and Numeracy Links

L Use the word mime about the starter activity

N Count items precisely when undertaking coordination shapes task

Starter Activity

In my square – Children draw an imaginary square around themselves. Lead the children through commands

  1. Touch each corner of your square
  2. Reach to the ceiling of your square and try to push the ceiling up
  3. Wash the walls of your square
  4. Pick up your square from the bottom and move to another space
  5. Roll out a blanket that fills the floor of your square
  6. Curl up on your blanket inside your square
  7. Open the door of your square and step outside, wave to someone you see

Activity 1

Colour coordination – Split the class into groups of 5/6. Each group has an associated colour cone, for example, red, blue, green, yellow, orange and white. Improvise with bean bags and throw down spots if there are not enough cones. The primary importance is that each group has their own colour, which may be made up of red beanbags, red spots and cones.

  • Each group should start in an area with a hoop, preferably placed around the perimeter of the playing area.
  • Spread out coloured items around the room; try to allow at least ten items per colour.
  • On the teacher’s command, children collect their coloured items and return them to their hoop.

Extensions: Move the groups to a different hoop but still collect the same colour.  Move in different ways, on all fours, hopping etc. Children can only collect one item at a time. Make it competitive; the first back wins.  Children can only go one at a time to retrieve an item; the rest of the group must wait by hoop until tagged.

Activity 2

Coordination shapes – Remaining in their colour activity groups and with their coloured items in their hoop, children should work through various cooperative tasks.  Below are some suggestions increasing in difficulty:

  • Using 5 coloured items, create a straight line.
  • Using 10 coloured items to form a square.
  • Using as many items as you like to make a curved pathway.
  • Using 5 pieces make a circle, then create a smaller circle within it.
  • Can you make any other shapes?
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We are learning...

to work with others to make patterns.

Teaching Points

When in a team, it is important to:

  • Work together as a group
  • Take turns and wait for your go
  • Encourage your teammates when you are waiting for your turn
  • Show kindness towards others
  • Work through any disagreements, share your ideas and listen to others

Key Questions

  1. What does it mean to use our imagination?
  2. In your team, when collecting your colours, how did you help?
  3. Did you have any disagreements when creating shapes and patterns? How did you work them out?

Reception Cooperate & Solve Problems Unit 1 Lesson 5

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Learning Intentions

  1. Individually create a shape story using mime
  2. Recognise and retrieve coloured items assigned to their group
  3. Work cooperatively to construct shapes and patterns on the floor
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Success Criteria

  1. I can use my imagination
  2. I can work with my team to collect items and follow instructions
  3. I can help to make shapes on the floor using our cones and beanbags
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Links to Early Leaning Goals

Work cooperatively with other members of a team [Personal, Social and Emotional Development]

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Literacy and Numeracy Links

L Use the word mime about the starter activity

N Count items precisely when undertaking coordination shapes task

Reception Cooperate & Solve Problems Unit 1 Lesson 5

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Starter Activity

In my square – Children draw an imaginary square around themselves. Lead the children through commands

  1. Touch each corner of your square
  2. Reach to the ceiling of your square and try to push the ceiling up
  3. Wash the walls of your square
  4. Pick up your square from the bottom and move to another space
  5. Roll out a blanket that fills the floor of your square
  6. Curl up on your blanket inside your square
  7. Open the door of your square and step outside, wave to someone you see
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Activity 1

Colour coordination – Split the class into groups of 5/6. Each group has an associated colour cone, for example, red, blue, green, yellow, orange and white. Improvise with bean bags and throw down spots if there are not enough cones. The primary importance is that each group has their own colour, which may be made up of red beanbags, red spots and cones.

  • Each group should start in an area with a hoop, preferably placed around the perimeter of the playing area.
  • Spread out coloured items around the room; try to allow at least ten items per colour.
  • On the teacher’s command, children collect their coloured items and return them to their hoop.

Extensions: Move the groups to a different hoop but still collect the same colour.  Move in different ways, on all fours, hopping etc. Children can only collect one item at a time. Make it competitive; the first back wins.  Children can only go one at a time to retrieve an item; the rest of the group must wait by hoop until tagged.

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Activity 2

Coordination shapes – Remaining in their colour activity groups and with their coloured items in their hoop, children should work through various cooperative tasks.  Below are some suggestions increasing in difficulty:

  • Using 5 coloured items, create a straight line.
  • Using 10 coloured items to form a square.
  • Using as many items as you like to make a curved pathway.
  • Using 5 pieces make a circle, then create a smaller circle within it.
  • Can you make any other shapes?

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We are learning...

to work with others to make patterns.

Teaching Points

When in a team, it is important to:

  • Work together as a group
  • Take turns and wait for your go
  • Encourage your teammates when you are waiting for your turn
  • Show kindness towards others
  • Work through any disagreements, share your ideas and listen to others

Key Questions

  1. What does it mean to use our imagination?
  2. In your team, when collecting your colours, how did you help?
  3. Did you have any disagreements when creating shapes and patterns? How did you work them out?