Year 6 Gymnastics Unit 1 Lesson 4

Learning Intentions

  1. Include a piece of equipment assigned to the group. For example: throw down spots, hoops etc
  2. Refine individual aspects of sequence including jumps, starting and finishing position and use of cannon
  3. Perform sequence to an audience

Skill Development: Including Equipment in sequence

Success Criteria

  1. I can include a ball, beanbag or hoop in my sequence
  2. I can remember my sequence to perform to others
  3. I can practise my sequence to improve individual aspects

National Curriculum Links

Collaborate and select equipment to create sequences in small groups

Literacy and Numeracy Links

L Express to group ideas about how to include equipment in our sequence
N Identify any symmetry or asymmetry when observing others routines

Starter Activity

Shape Freeze

Play by picking a tagger and one or two children to be a ‘King or Queen’. Players move around the hall in a way designated by the teacher (jog, jump, hop, crawl etc.). The tagger needs to move around in the same way and tag the other children, when tagged children need to freeze in any gymnastic shape (tuck, pike, straddle, a 2 point balance, dish, arch—any shape that they have learnt). Players can then only be freed by the king or the queen. Repeat the game, changing the tagger and the king or queens.

Skill Development

Rhythmic gymnastics is a sport that teaches rhythm, creativity, musicality, and self-expression. Rhythmic gymnastics is performed with 5 pieces of apparatus; Hoops, balls, ropes, ribbons and clubs.

Individually or in pairs pupils practise controlling a variety of equipment such as bean bags, balls and hoops. (If your school have ribbons they could also include these).

  1. Sitting on the floor in pike sit place a beanbag on feet, try to flick beanbag up to try and catch it.
  2. Sitting in straddle sit practice rolling a ball around the body in and out of legs in different directions using different speeds.
  3. Try and balance in different ways while bouncing a ball.
  4. Roll hoop forward with a flick, so it comes back to you.
  5. Roll a hoop back and forth with a partner.
  6. Spin the hoop on different body parts.


In the same groups as lesson 3 and with the same apparatus recap sequence.
To the sequence started last session pupils must now add some equipment (ball, hoop or beanbag, throw down spots, ribbons if available).
Groups should work together to decide what equipment they will use and how they will incorporate it into the sequence.
Each group at the end of the session should perform their sequence to another group. Performances to other groups should be completed at the same time to reduce the time needed for performance at the end of the lesson.

Development: Give guidance on how pupils can include equipment. For example jumping into hoops, using hoops to spin in while waiting for their go.

Challenge: Children must include at least three pieces of equipment and use them in different ways.

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We are learning...

to incorporate equipment such as hoops and balls into a group sequence.

Teaching Points

Controlling equipment

  1. The equipment should be in control at all times
  2. Avoid sending balls, hoops etc. too far away from the body if not under control
  3. Body control should also be maintained including body tension and limb extension
  4. The equipment should enhance the sequence and ‘fit’ in
  5. Vary the use of equipment, for example, using it statically (hoop on the floor jumping in and out) and dynamically (rolling the hoop along the mat)
  6. Can you control the equipment within the group, e.g. send a hoop or ball along a pathway to another pupil?

Key Questions

  1. What different ways can you include a hoop, ball, beanbag, throw down spots or balls in a sequence?
  2. What do you need to consider when you have got a piece of equipment in a sequence?
  3. What does it mean to use the equipment ‘statically’ or ‘dynamically’?

Year 6 Gymnastics Unit 1 Lesson 4

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Learning Intentions

  1. Include a piece of equipment assigned to the group. For example: throw down spots, hoops etc
  2. Refine individual aspects of sequence including jumps, starting and finishing position and use of cannon
  3. Perform sequence to an audience

Skill Development: Including Equipment in sequence

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Success Criteria

  1. I can include a ball, beanbag or hoop in my sequence
  2. I can remember my sequence to perform to others
  3. I can practise my sequence to improve individual aspects
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National Curriculum Links

Collaborate and select equipment to create sequences in small groups

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Literacy and Numeracy Links

L Express to group ideas about how to include equipment in our sequence
N Identify any symmetry or asymmetry when observing others routines

Year 6 Gymnastics Unit 1 Lesson 4

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Starter Activity

Shape Freeze

Play by picking a tagger and one or two children to be a ‘King or Queen’. Players move around the hall in a way designated by the teacher (jog, jump, hop, crawl etc.). The tagger needs to move around in the same way and tag the other children, when tagged children need to freeze in any gymnastic shape (tuck, pike, straddle, a 2 point balance, dish, arch—any shape that they have learnt). Players can then only be freed by the king or the queen. Repeat the game, changing the tagger and the king or queens.

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Skill Development

Rhythmic gymnastics is a sport that teaches rhythm, creativity, musicality, and self-expression. Rhythmic gymnastics is performed with 5 pieces of apparatus; Hoops, balls, ropes, ribbons and clubs.

Individually or in pairs pupils practise controlling a variety of equipment such as bean bags, balls and hoops. (If your school have ribbons they could also include these).

  1. Sitting on the floor in pike sit place a beanbag on feet, try to flick beanbag up to try and catch it.
  2. Sitting in straddle sit practice rolling a ball around the body in and out of legs in different directions using different speeds.
  3. Try and balance in different ways while bouncing a ball.
  4. Roll hoop forward with a flick, so it comes back to you.
  5. Roll a hoop back and forth with a partner.
  6. Spin the hoop on different body parts.
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In the same groups as lesson 3 and with the same apparatus recap sequence.
To the sequence started last session pupils must now add some equipment (ball, hoop or beanbag, throw down spots, ribbons if available).
Groups should work together to decide what equipment they will use and how they will incorporate it into the sequence.
Each group at the end of the session should perform their sequence to another group. Performances to other groups should be completed at the same time to reduce the time needed for performance at the end of the lesson.

Development: Give guidance on how pupils can include equipment. For example jumping into hoops, using hoops to spin in while waiting for their go.

Challenge: Children must include at least three pieces of equipment and use them in different ways.

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We are learning...

to incorporate equipment such as hoops and balls into a group sequence.

Teaching Points

Controlling equipment

  1. The equipment should be in control at all times
  2. Avoid sending balls, hoops etc. too far away from the body if not under control
  3. Body control should also be maintained including body tension and limb extension
  4. The equipment should enhance the sequence and ‘fit’ in
  5. Vary the use of equipment, for example, using it statically (hoop on the floor jumping in and out) and dynamically (rolling the hoop along the mat)
  6. Can you control the equipment within the group, e.g. send a hoop or ball along a pathway to another pupil?

Key Questions

  1. What different ways can you include a hoop, ball, beanbag, throw down spots or balls in a sequence?
  2. What do you need to consider when you have got a piece of equipment in a sequence?
  3. What does it mean to use the equipment ‘statically’ or ‘dynamically’?