
Buy a PE Hub subscription today and get access to all our lesson plans, resources and tools.


All tools, plus access to lesson plans and resources between Reception and Year 3



Billed Annually
For Schools with Two Forms or Less.

All lesson plans between Reception and Year 3All resources between Reception and Year 3Curriculum planning toolAssessment toolNote and attachment functionalityReporting toolPupil & Class data management


All tools, plus access to lesson plans and resources between Year 3 and Year 6



Billed Annually
For Schools with Two Forms or Less.

All lesson plans between Year 2 and Year 6All resources between Year 2 and Year 6Curriculum planning toolAssessment toolNote and attachment functionalityReporting toolPupil & Class data management


All tools, plus access to lesson plans and resources for all year groups



Billed Annually
For Schools with Two Forms or Less.

Lesson plans for all year groupsResources for all year groupsCurriculum planning toolAssessment toolNote and attachment functionalityReporting toolPupil & Class data management

When can we join?

You can join The PE Hub at any time!

Subscriptions to The PE Hub run on a 12 month or 3 yearly basis not per academic year.

Size of school

We know that school funding varies by size of school

We offer reduced prices on our plans for schools with less than single form entry.

Please contact us for pricing if your school falls into this category. Otherwise, please select a plan that fits your school’s age profile and size.

Payment methods

We offer all the usual payment methods such as credit cards.

We’re also happy to accept offline payment methods such as cheque or bank transfer.

We’ll arrange invoicing with a payment method that suits you.


Need to get in touch?

Please get in contact with us on

Our customer service opening hours are Monday-Friday, 9am to 5pm.