Self-evaluation for good to outstanding PE

Ofsted inspections largely bypass PE, even since the introduction of the PE and Sport Premium funding.  Therefore, schools are not having in-depth observation and evaluation of their PE provision.  For that reason, self-evaluation is more important than ever.

Understanding what makes PE good

The lack of input from such bodies has led to the corrosion of PE as a foundation subject and with it a professional understanding of what good and outstanding PE is.  I was recently in a school which self-judged it’s PE as good, yet they only had 1 hour of curriculum PE which was delivered by external sports coaches.

Would such a judgement be made if literacy was not being taught for the recommended amount of time by an unqualified person, week in, week out?

Self-evaluation in PE

With the record levels of funding through the PE and school sport premium, it is essential that schools carry out self-evaluation of their current provision.  Below are the 5 key areas any inspection will focus on:

1) How effectively do leaders use the Primary PE and Sport Premium and measure its impact on outcomes for pupils, and how effectively do governors hold them to account for this?

2) Do governors ensure that the school’s finances are properly managed and can evaluate how the school is using the Primary PE and Sport Premium?

3) As part of the outstanding criteria do governors systemically challenge senior leaders so that there is effective deployment of staff and resources to secure excellent outcomes for pupils?

4) Do governors challenge leaders about variations in outcomes for pupil groups and between disadvantaged and other pupils nationally?

5) Where external specialist coaches are being used in curriculum time, are they working alongside class teachers to improve their skills and securing long-term impact?

Self-evaluation through the Quality Mark

The AfPE Quality Mark is a great evaluation tool for schools.  The application process will help your school carry out a thorough self-review. To be sure your PE is good or outstanding it is important that you are asking the right questions.  If your school receives Quality Mark you can be sure that your PE provision is good.

The Quality Mark will also raise the profile of PE in school, helping raise standards across the school.

In our next blog we will look at evidence that supports whole school improvement by placing PE at the centre.
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