Agility - the ability to move and change direction and position of the body quickly and effectively while maintaining control.
Assist – A player who assists another to score a basket, they may pass the ball to the shooter, or move to space to receive and create space for the scorer.
Bounce Pass - The bounce pass is a short, fast-paced pass, which makes it difficult for the opposition to intercept. It is used in close-quarters play when defensive pressure is high.
Box out - When a player positions their body between an opponent and the net, in order to secure a rebound.
Crossover Dribble - The crossover dribble is important as it helps players avoid the double dribble violation. The crossover allows a quick change of direction to outwit the defender without having to stop. It is important for pupils to understand what double dribble is.
Cutting - There are a number of different types of cuts that can be made for example a forward cut or a V-cut. A cut is used by a player without the ball to create movement and lose a defender so they can receive a pass from teammate.
Defensive Posture - Having good defensive posture is an important part of the defensive process in basketball. The posture allows the player to move quickly in any direction and use their hands to defend.
Double Dribble - When a player ends their dribble by catching or causing the ball to come to rest in one or both hands and then dribbles it again with one hand or when a player touches it twice before the ball hits the ground. The dribble also ends when the dribbler palms/carries the ball by allowing it to come to rest in one or both hands.
Fake - This refers to when the player with the ball misleads the defensive player into thinking he is going to attempt a shot, dribble or a pass to catch the =m off guard and beat the defender.
Fast break - Is an offensive strategy, in a fast break, a team attempts to move the ball up court and into scoring position as quickly as possible, so that the defence is outnumbered and cannot defend the shot.
Jump Ball - A jump ball begins the game mid court, where the referee tosses the ball into the air for the two opposing players to attempt to gain possession. The opposing players should jump and try and tip the ball to their waiting teammates.
Jump Shot - A jump shot is used to help the shooter to take aim from a higher position and therefore prevent a defender from blocking it.
Key - The key is the name given to an area below and in front of the basketball hoop. Players must follow slightly different rules than those outside of the key (covered in year 6). It was named the key as when first introduced, it roughly resembled an old fashioned key hole. The shape has changed over time and is now either a rectangle topped with a circle or a tapered rectangle topped with a circle. Players must obey specific rules within the key.
The 3-second rule – Offensive players can only stay for 3 seconds in the key, whether they have the ball or not. This stops players waiting under the net.
Free throws – When a free throw is awarded it must be taken at the top of the key on the line.
Man to Man marking - Man to man marking includes defenders marking each of the offense players. This skill development focuses on marking the ball carrier, each player will usually find themselves in a position during a game when they are having to mark the ball carrier. The defender should always aim to place themselves between the ball and the net.
Personal Foul - A personal foul is committed when illegal physical contact occurs between players.
- This may include charging, blocking, pushing, slapping the ball out of hands or holding. If this happens on the court, the fouled against player receives a free throw from the nearest side line in line with where the offence took place.
- If defenders engage in illegal physical contact while trying to prevent an opponent from scoring, they will be penalised. When a player is fouled while trying to shoot, a penalty is given. They get two free throws if the shot does not go in or one free throw if the shot goes in.
- A player can “foul out” and be disqualified for the rest of the game if they commit five or more personal fouls in a single game.
Pivoting - Pivoting is performed by the ball handler in which they rotate around one foot (the pivot foot) without lifting it off the ground. Pivoting allows the ball handler to outwit a defender by creating space to shoot, pass or dribble.
Rebound - In basketball, a rebound is when a player retrieves the ball after a missed shot at the net or free throw. Rebounds in basketball are a routine part in the game; most possession change occurs after a basket is scored, or the rebound allows the defensive team to take possession.
Retreat dribble - This dribble is used to create space between the ball handler and a defender.
Scoring - In a game of basketball, there are 3 ways to score points.
- If a shot is scored from outside of the three-point line, 3 points are awarded.
- If a shot is scored from inside of the three-point line, 2 points are awarded.
- If a team is awarded a foul when making a shot, then they will receive between one and three free shots. Each shot scored will be awarded with 1 point.
Travel Violation - Traveling is a violation of the rules that occurs when a player holding the ball moves one or both of their feet illegally. Travelling is also referred to as "walking" or "steps. If the pivot foot is lifted, a pass or shot must be made before the pivot foot returns to the floor. An example of travelling would be catching the ball and taking two steps; you may take one step and pivot off the landing foot. Another travel violation is jumping to make a shot or pass and landing again before releasing the ball.
Triple threat – The position a player assumes when he receives the ball, meaning they can easily shoot, pass or dribble as their next move.

A basketball glossary can help teachers gain a solid foundation for the terminology and keywords they may encounter when teaching the unit.
Wing player – A wing position is very important. It is used in basketball for multiple reasons, but a simple view is as the ball is passed to the player in the wing position, the traffic will clear from the centre, giving the ball handler many choices.