- Start the game with a jump ball.
- If a player commits a personal foul on the court, the fouled team take a sideline ball inline and to the nearest side where the offence took place, they have 5 seconds to make the pass.
- If a player commits a personal foul to someone as they are attempting a 3 point shot they get a free throw. If the shooter scores even though fouled, they could therefore win 4 points (3 from the three point shot and 1 for the free throw).
- If a defender knocks the ball off the sideline or backline, a sideline ball is awarded to the attackers in line with where it went off.
- When a basket is scored, the conceding team restarts the game with a backline ball from their defensive backline.
- If a player commits a travel offence, a sideline ball is taken from the nearest sideline, in line with where the offence took place.
- If a player scores outside the 3 point line they score 3 points, if they score within the 3 point line they score 2 points.
Rules within the key
Key - The key is the name given to an area below and in front of the basketball hoop. Players must follow slightly different rules than those outside of the key. It was named the key as when first introduced, it roughly resembled an old fashioned key hole. The shape has changed over time and is now either a rectangle topped with a circle or a tapered rectangle topped with a circle. Players must obey specific rules within the key:
- The 3 second rule – Offensive players can only stay for 3 seconds in the key, whether they have the ball or not. This stops players waiting under the net.
- Free throws – When a free throw is awarded it must be taken at the top of the key on the line.

Basketball defensive posture