Olympics and Paralympics KS1 Quiz

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A quick fire Olympic and Paralympic 2024 quiz to try with your KS1 children. Test your pupils' knowledge and have fun with your class. Use this page's download link to print a PDF of this quiz.

Question 1

True or false, the Paralympic Games are held before the Olympic Games?

Question 2

Which of these is NOT a Paralympic Value?
A. Determination. B. Inspiration. C. Courage. D. Friendliness

Question 3

How often are the Olympic and Paralympic Games held?

A. Every 2 years. B. Every 4 years. C. Every Year. D. Every 10 years

Question 4

Paris is the capital city of which country?
A. UK. B. France. C. Italy D. Greece


The Olympic steeplechase is a 3,000-meter race that includes 28 hurdles and 7 water jumps, combining endurance, speed, and agility.

Question 5

What do the 5 Olympic Rings represent?
A. Five Continents. B. Five Sports. C. The Host City. D. The Winners of Events

Tiebreaker Question: How many Gold medals have Team GB won in total in the Modern Olympics?

See Quiz download for answers!

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