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We’ve made a selection of our lesson plans available for you to try.
Year Group Filters
Year 5 Athletics
Sustain pace over short and longer distances. Run as part of a relay team. Perform a range of jumps and throws.
Year 3 Athletics
Control movement in response to instructions. Demonstrate agility and speed. Jump for height and distance. Throw with speed and power and apply appropriate force.
Year 4 Athletics
Investigate ways of performing running, jumping and throwing activities. Use a variety of equipment to measure, time and compare.
Year 6 Athletics
Apply strength and flexibility to throwing, running and jumping. Accurately and confidently judge across a variety of activities. Work in collaboration to demonstrate improvement.
Attack Defend Shoot
Year 1 Attack Defend Shoot Unit 2
To recognise rules and apply them. Use and apply simple strategies for invasion games. Preparing for and explaining the reasons why we enjoy exercise.
Year 1 Attack Defend Shoot Unit 1
Practice basic movements, including running, jumping, etc. and begin to engage in competitive activities. Experience opportunities to improve ABCs.
Year 2 Attack Defend Shoot Unit 1
Send a ball using feet and can receive a ball using feet. Refine ways to control bodies and a range of equipment – recall and link combinations of skills.
Year 2 Attack Defend Shoot Unit 2
Select and apply a small range of simple tactics. Recognise good qualities in self and others. Work with others to build basic attacking play.
Year 3 Basketball
Perform some basic basketball skills, throwing, catching and dribbling. Build attacking/offensive play. Implement some basic rules of basketball.
Year 4 Basketball
Increase confidence and selection of basic skills such as dribbling, throwing and shooting. Use footwork rules in a game situation.
Year 5 Basketball
Use strength, agility and coordination when defending. Increase power and strength of passes, moving the ball accurately in a variety of situations.
Year 6 Basketball
Apply aspects of fitness to the game, such as power and strength. Choose and implement a range of strategies to play defensively and offensively. Grasp more technical aspects of the game.
A platform teachers love.
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“Great resources and lessons available with video support for teachers that aren't quite sure how to deliver the lessons.”
Richard Simpson
“Great resources, and helpful feedback and advice when looking at The PE Hub as an option. Staff love the lessons, resources and website. I would not hesitate to recommend.”
Megan Lewis
“Our school have just recently signed up to PE Hub with the aim of showing clear progress throughout the school. The PE Hub lesson plans are fantastic- really easy to follow and save us so much time. We have even introduced some new sports to our long term plan as a result!”
Body Management
Reception Body Management Unit 2
Explore a variety of rolling, sliding etc. Jump using a variety of take-offs/landings; use hands and feet in different combinations.
Reception Body Management Unit 1
Explore balance and managing own body. Able to stretch, reach, and extend in a variety of ways and positions.
Cooperate & Solve Problems
Reception Cooperate and Solve Problems Unit 1
Organise and match items, images, colours and symbols. Work with a partner to listen and share ideas & questions.
Reception Cooperate and Solve Problems Unit 2
Copy and repeat various patterns and actions. Continue to work in teams. Solve more complex tasks.
Year 2 Dance Unit 2
Perform using more sophisticated formations as well as an individual. Use the stimuli to copy, repeat and create dance actions and motifs.
Reception Dance Unit 1 NEW
Use their body to recreate and symbolise people and actions. Themes of ‘transport’ and ‘people who help us’.
Reception Dance Unit 2
Count and move to beats of 8\. Work as an individual, partner and part of a group. Copy and repeat movement patterns.
Year 1 Dance Unit 1
Respond to a range of stimuli and types of music. Explore space, direction, elevation, mirroring and partner work. Explore a narrative through a short, structured dance.
Year 1 Dance Unit 2
Able to build simple movement patterns from given actions. Compose and link actions to make simple movement phrases.
Year 2 Dance Unit 1
Apply facial expressions to music showing emotions such as fear and anger. Begin to use spatial and dynamic choices in work. Offer feedback and respond to feedback
Year 3 Dance Unit 1
Practise and put together a performance. Perform using facial expressions. Perform with a prop.
Year 3 Dance Unit 2
Building stylistic qualities through repetition and applying movement to own bodies. Building basic creative choreography skills in travelling, dynamics and partner work.
Year 4 Dance Unit 1
Work to include freeze frames in routines. Practise and perform a variety of different formations in dance.
Year 4 Dance Unit 2
Concentrating on one simple theme throughout and linking all activities to communicate this to an audience.
Year 5 Dance Unit 1
Perform different styles of dance fluently and clearly. Refine and improve dances adapting them to include the use of space, rhythm and expression.
Year 5 Dance Unit 2
Using professional examples to inspire ideas for explosive action. Owning and exploring new movement possibilities.
Year 6 Dance Unit 1
Work collaboratively to include more complex compositional ideas. Talk about different styles of dance with understanding, using appropriate language & terminology.
Year 6 Dance Unit 2
Demonstrating narrative through contact and relationships. Showing tension through pattern and formation.
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Year 4 Gymnastics Unit 1
Become increasingly competent and confident to perform skills more consistently. Perform in time with a partner and group. Use compositional ideas in sequences.
Reception Gymnastics Unit 1
Develop confidence in fundamental movements. Experience jumping, sliding, rolling, moving over and under apparatus.
Reception Gymnastics Unit 2
Further develop confidence in fundamental movements. Learn and refine a variety of shapes, jumps, balances and rolls.
Year 1 Gymnastics Unit 1
Use simple gymnastics actions and shapes. Apply basic strength to gymnastic actions. Begin to carry apparatus.
Year 1 Gymnastics Unit 2
To show a range of recognised point balances. To introduce turn, twist, rock, and roll and to link these. To perform unison simple canon and unison techniques.
Year 2 Gymnastics Unit 1
Describe and explain how performers can transition and link elements. Perform basic actions with control at different speeds and levels.
Year 2 Gymnastics Unit 2
Develop body management through a range of floor exercises. Use core strength to link recognised gymnastics elements.
Year 3 Gymnastics Unit 1
Modify actions independently using different pathways, directions and shapes. Consolidate and improve movements and gymnastics actions. Relate strength and flexibility to actions. To use basic compositional ideas.
Year 3 Gymnastics Unit 2
Identify similarities and differences in sequences. Develop body management over a range of floor exercises. Attempt to bring explosive moves into floor work. Show increasing flexibility in shapes and balances.
Year 4 Gymnastics Unit 2
Develop an increased range of body actions and shapes to include in a sequence. Define muscle groups needed to support the core of the body.
Year 5 Gymnastics Unit 1
Create longer and more complex sequences and adapt performances. Take the lead in a group. Develop symmetry.
Year 5 Gymnastics Unit 2
Take responsibility for your own warm-up. Perform more complex actions, shapes and balances with consistency.
Year 6 Gymnastics Unit 1
Experience flight on and off high apparatus. Develop and perform a range of partner balances. Use equipment and formations confidently in a rhythmic gymnastics style sequence.
Year 6 Gymnastics Unit 2
Perform increasingly complex sequences. Combine own ideas with others to build sequences. Compose and practise actions and relate to music. Show a desire to improve competency across a broad range of gymnastics actions.
Key Stage 2
KS2 Fitness Unit 1
Show determination to keep moving even when tired. Challenge themselves to improve scores. Develop strength in a range of exercises. Understand how to target specific muscle groups when exercising.
KS2 Fitness Unit 2
Take part in a variety of exercises to improve. Show an understanding of the importance of rest when exercising. Working out the whole body.
KS2 Foundations
Accurately replicate stability, flexibility, balance and coordination activities. Learn techniques to develop lower and upper body stability and core strength. Compare previous performances in body management skills such as coordination. Draw links between areas such as flexibility over a range of activities.
KS2 Golf
Transfer skills to handle clubs and strike with consistency and accuracy. Play in a variety of modified golf games. Play with others showing sportsmanship and fair play.
Year 1 OAA
Use thinking skills to follow multi-step instructions. Solve more challenging problems as an individual. Comprehend that one thing can represent another. Take part in activities with increasing challenge to build confidence.
Year 2 OAA
Use searching skills to find given things from clues and pictures. As a pair, navigate space. Use and explore unusual equipment to develop skills.
Year 3 OAA
Work with others to solve problems. Describe their work and use different strategies to solve problems. Lead others and be led. Differentiate between when a task is competitive and when it is collaborative.
Year 4 OAA
Work well in a team or group within defined and understood roles. Plan and refine strategies to solve problems.
Year 5 OAA
Explore ways of communicating in a range of challenging activities. Navigate and solve problems from memory.
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Reception/Key Stage 1
KS1 Fitness Unit 1
Take part in a variety of different types of exercises to improve fitness. Explore different workout structures and how they can impact fitness. Describe what happens to their body during exercise, including their heart rate.
KS1 Fitness Unit 2
Work at maximum effort for short periods. Use repetition to improve movements. Identify some benefits of whole-body exercise. Improve repetitions over time.
KS1 Foundations
Take part in stability, flexibility, balance and coordination activities. Explore lower and upper body stability and core strength. Develop a basic understanding of concepts such as coordination and flexibility. Draw links between different types of physical activity and developing body management.
Year 3 Rounders
To be able to play simple rounders games. Apply some rules to games and develop and use simple rounders skills.
Year 4 Rounders
To develop a range of skills in a competitive context. Choose and use a range of simple tactics in isolation and a game context.
Year 5 Rounders
Link together a range of skills and use in combination. Collaborate with a team to choose, use and adapt rules in games.
Year 6 Rounders
Apply rounders rules consistently. Play small-sided games using standard rounders pitch layout. Use a range of tactics for attacking and defending in the role of bowler, batter and fielder.
Advanced Swimming
Bring control and fluency to at least two recognised strokes. Implement good breathing techniques. Attempt personal survival techniques as an individual and group with success. Link lengths together with turns and attempt tumble turns in isolation and during a stroke.
Beginners Swimming
Swim short distances unaided between 5 & 20 metres using one consistent stroke. Propel themselves over longer distances with the assistance of swimming aids. Move with more confidence in the water, including submerging themselves fully. Enter and exit the water independently.
A platform teachers love.
Rated 4.7 Excellent on
Amanda Haggerty
“Great resources and lessons available with video support for teachers that aren't quite sure how to deliver the lessons.”
Richard Simpson
“Great resources, and helpful feedback and advice when looking at The PE Hub as an option. Staff love the lessons, resources and website. I would not hesitate to recommend.”
Megan Lewis
“Our school have just recently signed up to PE Hub with the aim of showing clear progress throughout the school. The PE Hub lesson plans are fantastic- really easy to follow and save us so much time. We have even introduced some new sports to our long term plan as a result!”
Year 3 Badminton
Identify and describe some rules of badminton. Serve to begin a game. Explore forehand hitting.
Year 4 Badminton
Explore and use different shots with both the forehand and backhand. Practise some trick shots in isolation.
Year 5 Badminton
Use different types of serves and shots in-game. Play with others to score and defend points in competitive games.
Year 6 Badminton
Develop a wider range of shots including drop and smash. Begin to use more sophisticated tactics. Play with fluency with a partner in doubles scenarios.
Commonwealth Games
Commonwealth Games
Three lessons each of KS1 and KS2 activities give children a taste of some unusual and fun Commonwealth Games Sports.
Year 3 Cricket
Adhere to some of the basic rules of cricket. Develop a range of skills to use in isolation and a competitive context. Strike a bowled ball.
Year 4 Cricket
Develop and apply a range of skills in a competitive context. Choose and use a range of simple tactics in isolation and game context.
Year 5 Cricket
Link a range of skills and use in combination. Collaborate with a team to choose, use and adapt rules in games.
Year 6 Cricket
Apply cricket rules in a variety of styles of games. Attempt a small range of recognised shots. Use a range of tactics for attacking and defending in the role of bowler, batter and fielder.
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Year 3 Football
Able to show basic control skills. Send the ball with some accuracy to maintain possession and build attacking play. Implement the basic rules of football.
Year 4 Football
Introduce some defensive skills. Dribble in different directions using different parts of their feet. Passing for distance. Evaluating skills to aid improvement.
Year 5 Football
Play effectively in a variety of positions and formations. Relate a greater number of attacking and defensive tactics.
Year 6 Football
Choose and implement a range of strategies to attack and defend. Perform a wider range of more complex skills. Recognise and describe good performances. Suggest, plan and lead simple drills for given skills.
Gym Elevate
Year 1 Unit 1 Gym Elevate
Pupils will demonstrate basic balances and be able to move and roll within basic shapes showing control, extension, and tension.
Year 1 Unit 2 Gym Elevate
Pupils will develop balances on large and small body parts, begin adding more challenge to rolls and start to link skills.
Year 2 Unit 1 Gym Elevate
Pupils will balance, perform rolls in basic shapes, and link them into a sequence. They will show distinct body shapes in various jumps and land safely from a height.
Year 2 Unit 1 Gym Elevate
This lesson is part of a free trial, giving you a preview of the full unit. Pupils will practice balancing, perform rolls in basic shapes, and link movements into a sequence. They will also explore distinct body shapes in jumps and learn to land safely from a height. Try this free lesson to experience how our structured approach supports skill development and confidence in PE.
Year 2 Unit 2 Gym Elevate
Pupils will work to squat onto their feet onto a box top, they will practise progressions to cartwheel and continue to develop their forward roll, teddy bear roll and backward roll. Pupils will create sequences and perform without hesitation.
Year 3 Unit 1 Gym Elevate
Pupils will continue to practise and perform a variety of rolls. Pupils will begin work on progressions towards handstands and headstands, they will develop their cartwheels along the floor and analyse their own and others’ work.
Year 3 Unit 1 Gym Elevate
This lesson is part of a free trial, offering a glimpse into our full unit. Pupils will continue practicing and performing a variety of rolls while beginning progressions towards handstands and headstands. They will also develop their cartwheels along the floor and enhance their ability to analyze their own and others’ performances. Try this free lesson to see how our structured approach supports skill development and confidence in PE.
Year 3 Unit 2 Gym Elevate
Pupils will extend the rolls they have worked on previously to perform in different directions and on apparatus. Pupils will work to improve cartwheel shapes and work on pair routines, they will begin to try to analyse their own and others’ performances.
Year 4 Unit 1 Gym Elevate
Pupils will work to improve their forward and backwards rolls and perform a cartwheel along the floor in a straight line. Pupils will practise various vaults and will look at the fitness components required to be successful in specific gymnastics elements. Pupils will analyse their own and other pupil’s performances and give feedback on how to improve.
Year 4 Unit 2 Gym Elevate
Pupils will create and perform counterbalance and counter tension partner balances, they will listen and share ideas as a group to perform a routine. They will look at gymnastics judging and further develop their squat and straddle vault. Pupils will identify the fitness components required to be successful in specific gymnastics elements.
Year 5 Unit 1 Gym Elevate
Pupils will perform handstands, headstands, and cartwheels. They will also work on vaults such as squat on, squat through, straddle on, and straddle through. They will identify the fitness components required to be successful in specific gymnastics elements. They will analyse their and other pupils’ performances and give feedback on how to improve.
Year 5 Unit 2 Gym Elevate
Pupils will look at rhythmic gymnastics and experiment with movements using a ball, hoop, rope and ribbon. Pupils will devise a group rhythmic routine. Pupils will listen to others’ views and communicate their own ideas to help a group learn a range of movements with balls, hoops, and ropes.
Year 6 Unit 1 Gym Elevate
Pupils will continue to develop handstand and handstand variations, working towards walkover and handspring. Pupils will work on headstand positions, extended cartwheels and revisit vaults. Pupils will analyse their own and other pupil’s performances and give feedback on how to improve.
Year 6 Unit 2 Gym Elevate
Pupils will identify and perform all 4 ways of balancing with a partner and look at weight-bearing counter-tension and group balances. Pupils contribute and listen to others’ ideas, helping them to perform a group acrobatic routine from start to finish.
Year 3 Handball
Able to show basic passing and catching skills. Learn basic defensive techniques. Implement the rules of handball.
Year 4 Handball
Develop 3 step rule incorporating bounce. Defend and stop attacks by blocking and intercepting. Pass and move with the ball to set up attacks.
Year 5 Handball
Use specific handball skills in games. Begin to play effectively in different positions. Increase power and strength of passes.
Year 6 Handball
Work as a team to improve group tactics and gameplay. Play within the rules using screening to break down offensive play. Develop defensive skills.
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Hit Catch Run
Year 1 Hit Catch Run Unit 1
Able to hit objects with hand or bat. Track and retrieve a rolling ball. Throw and catch a variety of balls and objects.
Year 1 Hit Catch Run Unit 2
Develop sending and receiving skills to benefit fielding as a team. Distinguish between the roles of batters and fielders. Introduce the concept of simple tactics.
Year 2 Hit Catch Run Unit 1
To develop hitting skills with a variety of bats. Practice feeding/bowling skills. Hit and run to score points in games.
Year 2 Hit Catch Run Unit 2
Work in teams to field. Begin to play the role of wicketkeeper or backstop.
Year 3 Hockey
Play in a hockey-type invasion game. Improve game-based agility. Manipulate objects using a stick and ball with safety and control.
Year 4 Hockey
Consistently perform basic hockey skills such as dribbling and push passes. Implement the basic rules of hockey. Increase speed and endurance during gameplay.
Year 5 Hockey
Combine basic hockey skills such as dribbling and push passes. Play effectively in different positions on the pitch, including in defence.
Year 6 Hockey
Choose and implement a range of strategies and tactics. Combine and perform more complex skills at great speed. Recognise and describe good individual and team performances.
Year 3 Lacrosse
Able to pass and catch in a game situation. Show basic skills to maintain possession, including ground balls. Implement and adhere to some basic rules of lacrosse.
Year 4 Lacrosse
Consistently perform basic lacrosse skills such as ground balls and over-arm throws. Implement the rules, develop tactics and apply them to competitive situations
A platform teachers love.
Rated 4.7 Excellent on
Amanda Haggerty
“Great resources and lessons available with video support for teachers that aren't quite sure how to deliver the lessons.”
Richard Simpson
“Great resources, and helpful feedback and advice when looking at The PE Hub as an option. Staff love the lessons, resources and website. I would not hesitate to recommend.”
Megan Lewis
“Our school have just recently signed up to PE Hub with the aim of showing clear progress throughout the school. The PE Hub lesson plans are fantastic- really easy to follow and save us so much time. We have even introduced some new sports to our long term plan as a result!”
Manipulation & Coordination
Reception Manipulation & Coordination Unit 1
Send and receive a variety of objects with different body parts. Work with others to control objects in space.
Reception Manipulation & Coordination Unit 2
Coordinate similar objects in a variety of ways. Differentiate ways to manoeuvre objects. Skip in isolation and with rope.
Year 3 Netball
Perform basic netball skills such as passing and catching using recognised throws. Implement the basic rules of netball.
Year 4 Netball
Introduce high-five netball positions. Acquire and apply basic shooting techniques. Demonstrate and implement some basic rules of high five.
Year 5 Netball
Make choices about which pass to use and where to shoot from. Implement some tactics to get free. Move quickly around the court.
Year 6 Netball
Choose and implement a range of strategies to attack and defend. Perform a wider range of more complex skills. Recognise and describe good performances.
Royal Ballet School
Year 3 Royal Ballet School
Exploring the Curriculum is a series of creative ballet classes which provide experiential learning in specific curriculum areas. Pupils will look at different shapes, lines and colours, the process of rock formation. Explore movement in the length of their shadows. They will perform unique pieces of choreography and develop their own choreographic and creative skills
Year 4 Royal Ballet School
Exploring Ballet is a series of six classes designed to develop ballet knowledge and dance skills in a systematic way. During the sessions, pupils will be introduced to concepts essential to building the foundations of ballet technique. As well as building movement skills, pupils will also develop appreciation for music, artistry (presentation skills) and the ability to work cooperatively with other members of their class.
Year 5 Royal Ballet School
Exploring Ballet is a series of six classes designed to develop ballet knowledge and dance skills in a systematic way. During the sessions, pupils will engage with core principles that underpin classical ballet technique, fostering precision, strength and grace. As well as building movement skills, pupils will further develop an appreciation for music and their artistry skills.
Year 6 Royal Ballet School
Exploring the Curriculum is a series of creative ballet classes which provide experiential learning in specific curriculum areas. Pupils will have the opportunity to develop their understanding of key concepts while embodying elements of ballet technique, such as the use of breath to support posture and alignment, coordination to enhance spatial awareness, and rhythm.
Year 6 Royal Ballet School
This lesson is part of a free trial from Exploring the Curriculum, a series of creative ballet classes designed to provide experiential learning in key curriculum areas. Pupils will develop their understanding of core concepts while engaging in elements of ballet technique, such as using breath to support posture and alignment, improving coordination to enhance spatial awareness, and exploring rhythm. Try this free lesson to experience how ballet can enrich learning across the curriculum.
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Run Jump Throw
Year 1 Run Jump Throw Unit 1
Begin to link running and jumping. Learn and refine a range of running. Develop throwing techniques to throw over longer distances.
Year 1 Run Jump Throw Unit 2
Increase stamina and core strength. Work collaboratively on more complex tasks. Work to improve strength, balance, agility and coordination.
Year 2 Run Jump Throw Unit 1
Throw and handle a variety of objects. Develop power, agility, coordination and balance. Negotiate obstacles showing increased control.
Year 2 Run Jump Throw Unit 2
Improve running and jumping movements over sustained periods. Reflect on activities and make connections to healthy, active lifestyles.
Send & Return
Year 1 Send and Return Unit 1
Able to send an object with increased confidence using hand or bat. Move towards a moving ball to return. Sending and returning a variety of balls.
Year 1 Send and Return Unit 2
Develop sending skills with a variety of balls. Track, intercept and stop a variety of objects. Select and apply skills to beat the opposition.
Year 2 Send & Return Unit 1
Be able to track the path of a ball over a net and move towards it. Begin to hit and return a ball with some consistency.
Year 2 Send & Return Unit 2
Be able to make it difficult for their opponent to score a point. Begin to choose specific tactics. Transfer net/wall skills.
Speed Agility Travel
Reception Speed Agility Travel Unit 1
Change direction at speed through both choice and instructions. Perform actions demonstrating changes in speed. Stop, start, pause, prepare**.**
Reception Speed Agility Travel Unit 2
Participate in a variety of agility-based activities. Recognise the difference between actions such as: moving softly, quietly, quickly, powerfully, etc.
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Tag Rugby
Year 3 Tag Rugby
Handle a rugby ball with confidence. Evade attackers using footwork and body control. Link skills to perform as a team in attack. Use basic game principles of tag rugby and play within simpler rules.
Year 4 Tag Rugby
Consistently perform basic tag rugby skills. Implement rules and develop tactics in competitive situations.
Year 5 Tag Rugby
Combine basic tag rugby skills such as catching and quickly passing in one movement. Select and implement appropriate skills in a game situation.
Year 6 Tag Rugby
Choose and implement a range of strategies and tactics to attack and defend. Combine and perform more complex skills at speed. Observe, analyse and recognise good individual and team performances. Suggest, plan and lead a warm-up as a small group.
Year 3 Tennis
To identify and describe some rules of tennis. Serve to begin a game and explore forehand hitting.
Year 4 Tennis
Explore some forehand and backhand shots. Work to return the serve. Explore positions in gameplay.
Year 5 Tennis
Introduce volley shots and overhead shots. Apply new shots into game situations. Play with others to score and defend points in competitive games.
Year 6 Tennis
Develop backhand shots. Introduce the lob shot. Begin to use full tennis scoring systems. Continue developing doubles play and tactics to improve.
Year 3 Volleyball
Investigate ways of performing running, jumping and throwing activities. Use a variety of equipment to measure, time and compare different styles of runs, jumps and throws.
Year 4 Volleyball
Consistently perform basic pairs volleyball skills such as rainbow pass and switching. Implement the basic rules of pairs volleyball.
A platform teachers love.
Rated 4.7 Excellent on
Amanda Haggerty
“Great resources and lessons available with video support for teachers that aren't quite sure how to deliver the lessons.”
Richard Simpson
“Great resources, and helpful feedback and advice when looking at The PE Hub as an option. Staff love the lessons, resources and website. I would not hesitate to recommend.”
Megan Lewis
“Our school have just recently signed up to PE Hub with the aim of showing clear progress throughout the school. The PE Hub lesson plans are fantastic- really easy to follow and save us so much time. We have even introduced some new sports to our long term plan as a result!”