KS1 Wellbeing

Developing wellbeing through various activities based around the ‘5 ways to wellbeing’. Develop collaboration and teamwork skills, as well as learning things about friends they may not have known before. Understand the importance of wellbeing and ways to help their own wellbeing through different activities.

Knowledge Organiser

Prior Learning

Worked as part of a team. Become more coordinated to perform tasks. Thrown and caught a variety of objects. Become flexible when performing actions. Linked different actions to make a sequence.

Unit Focus

Developing wellbeing through various activities based around the ‘5 ways to wellbeing’. Develop collaboration and teamwork skills, as well as learning things about friends they may not have known before. Understand the importance of wellbeing and ways to help their own wellbeing through different activities.

We are learning...

  • to improve hand-eye coordination through ball skills.
  • how yoga can help our mental wellbeing.
  • to copy and repeat actions from martial arts and aerobics.
  • how paying attention and listening are key to mindfulness.
  • to connect with others to complete a difficult set of tasks.
  • to act out a scene to entertain our classmates.

Key Questions

  • What is wellbeing?
  • What are some of the things that make up mindfulness?
  • Why does connecting with other people help us feel better?


Physically active, give to others, mindfulness, connection, learn new skills, act, improvisation, meditation, surroundings, suggestion.


Physically active, give to others, mindfulness, connection, learn new skills, act, improvisation, meditation, surroundings, suggestion.


5 Steps to wellbeing

  • Connect with others
  • Be physically active
  • Learn new skills
  • Give to others
  • Take notice/mindfulness

Assessment Overview

Head – Show confidence to improvise and act out a scenario.

Hand – Show balance and control in different yoga poses.

Heart – Show perseverance and determination when learning new skills.


An image of KS1 Wellbeing

Lesson Overview

KS1 Wellbeing Lesson 1

  • Connect – completing cooperative tasks by communicating clearly with a partner
  • Acquire a new skill – learn new ball tricks
  • Mindfulness – learn to narrow the focus to improve the clarity of mind

We are learning: to improve hand-eye coordination through ball skills.

Activity: Partner throwing, ball skills, mindful breathing

KS1 Wellbeing Lesson 2

  • Connect – learn more about my friends by asking questions
  • Mindfulness – use Yoga to help with body control and mental wellbeing

We are learning: How yoga can help our mental wellbeing

Activity: Getting to know you task, yoga poses

KS1 Wellbeing Lesson 3

  • Learn new skills – Copy and repeat aerobic and martial arts actions
  • Physically Active – Combine martial arts and aerobics into a sequence
  • Mindfulness – Enjoy colouring in

We are learning: to copy and repeat actions from martial arts and aerobics

Activity: Aerobics, martial arts, mindful colouring

KS1 Wellbeing Lesson 4

  • Physically Active – Work with your group to navigate challenges
  • Connect – Use maths knowledge to organise their group
  • Mindfulness – Become aware of the mind-body connection

We are learning: how paying attention and listening are key to mindfulness

Activity: Traffic light jumble, sorting snake, acrostic poem

KS1 Wellbeing Lesson 5

  • Physically Active – Work collaboratively to protect their bib
  • Connect – Work sensibly and in cooperation with others to complete a complex task
  • Mindfulness – Be aware of the surroundings

We are learning: to connect with others to complete a difficult set of tasks

Activity: Tornado tag, the floor is lava

KS1 Wellbeing Lesson 6

  • Physically Active – Work cooperatively to complete a task
  • Give to others – Improvise set scenarios to entertain their group
  • Mindfulness – be present and take notice of what is going on around you

We are learning: to act out a scene to entertain our classmates

Activity: Frog crossing, drama club, meditation