KS2 Wellbeing
Developing wellbeing through various activities based around the ‘5 steps to wellbeing’. Develop collaboration and teamwork skills, as well as learn something about friends they may not have known. Discuss the importance of wellbeing and ways to help their own wellbeing through different activities.
Knowledge Organiser
Prior Learning
Worked as part of a team. Can show coordination to perform tasks. Showed flexibility when performing actions. Linked different actions to make sequences.
Unit Focus
Developing wellbeing through various activities based around the ‘5 steps to wellbeing’. Develop collaboration and teamwork skills, as well as learn something about friends they may not have known. Discuss the importance of wellbeing and ways to help their own wellbeing through different activities.
We are learning...
- the steps to juggle three balls.
- simple yoga poses and holding them for 10 seconds.
- some simple aerobics and martial arts moves.
- to connect with others through a range of pair and group work.
- the steps to spin a ball on our finger.
- to improvise to make an audience smile.
Key Questions
- Why is wellbeing so important for a healthy life?
- How can an activity like yoga help your wellbeing?
- How can you help others improve their wellbeing?
Small objects to throw (e.g., bean bags, softballs), juggling balls or alternative balls, cones, music player, music, hoops, throw-down spots, and printed resources.
Communicate, collaborate, connect, acquire, co-ordination, mindfulness, sequence, routine, control, juggle, language, improvisation.
5 Steps to wellbeing
- Connect with others
- Be physically active
- Learn new skills
- Give to others
- Take notice/mindfulness
Assessment Overview
Head – Communicate effectively with others in a range of interactive activities.
Hand – Show flexibility and control when performing different yoga poses.
Heart – Show perseverance and determination when learning new skills.
Lesson Overview
KS2 Wellbeing Lesson 1
- Connect – completing cooperative tasks by communicating clearly with a partner
- Acquire a new skill – learn the steps to juggle
- Mindfulness – learn how to narrow the focus to improve the clarity of mind
We are learning: the steps to juggle three balls.
Activity: Partner throwing, juggling, mindful breathing
KS2 Wellbeing Lesson 2
- Connect –I can learn more about my friends by asking questions
- Mindfulness – I can use yoga to help with body control and mental wellbeing
We are learning: simple yoga poses and holding them for 10 seconds.
Activity: Connection questions and yoga.
KS2 Wellbeing Lesson 3
- Connect with others – Teach others how to perform an action/routine
- Learn New Skills –perform and combine actions to create an aerobics and martial arts routine
We are learning some simple aerobics and martial arts moves
Activity: Aerobics and martial arts moves
KS2 Wellbeing Lesson 4
- Connect with others – use clear communication to guide others
- Connect with others – work in a group and as a pair
We are learning: to connect with others through a range of pair and group work.
Activity: Shipwrecked, sorting snake and find my way.
KS2 Wellbeing Lesson 5
- Learn new skills – practise counting to 10 in other languages
- Connect – work as a team to achieve success
- Mindfulness – be present and take notice of what is going on around you
We are learning: the steps to spin a ball on our finger
Activity: Spinning a ball, counting and beachball
KS2 Wellbeing Lesson 6
- Physically Active – Use observational skills to pick the leader
- Give to others – Use improvisation and perform for an audience
- Mindfulness – be present and take notice of what is going on around you
We are learning: to improvise to make an audience smile
Activity: Pairing it up and improvisation activity